It's been a while since I've posted. I'd like to say it's because I've been busy, but the truth is I just didn't have anything to write about. Plus writers are a notoriously lazy species of animal. (myself included.) :-P ha ha.... The topic today is dreams. It's funny how dreams can be interpreted in different ways. One interpretation is just as valid as the next. I honestly don't know where some of my dreams come from, but when I dream they're so vivid, which is good for me as a writer, because I get some good ideas for stories from my dreams. I can't deny that some of my dreams are confusing; the ones dealing with me being dragged to a tea party by a pair of dancing rabbits.... Not that I've ever actually had... Never mind. :-P any way the point is. Why do we have strange dreams? If a dream is just a wish your heart makes or if it's your mind trying to come to grip or with something or work out a problem, then where do the bunnies, and talking tea spoons come from? I have a theory, that like Alice, or Dorthy, when we dream "weird dreams" we are transported (or at leas our minds are.) to another reality. And since there are a billion billion possible realities our minds can mix them up making our dreams seem unintelligible. The reason I think we are transported to other realities in our dreams is because some times our dreams can affect our waking emotions. For example A relationship in the dream world could make one feel a sense of loss when they wake up. For example. I had a dream a loooooonnnnnggggg time ago. I was about 11 or 12, but in the dream I think I was like 6 or 7. I was in my old elementary and everyone was being turned into zombies by aliens; I know what you're thinking, it sounds just like the last level of Simpsons Hit and Run, but I assure you I dreamed it long before the Simpsons creators. FYI this is just more proof that there are other realities when you dream. (and that other people can go there. :-D ... Any way the school is over run by the zombies I was frantically running and hiding so I wouldn't be turned. I hid in a broom closet in the hallway next to the gym and found a valve that turned on every sprinkler in the school, so I did that hoping to be able to escape in the confusion. The water actually wound up killing what ever was turning everyone into a zombie. And as I came out all the zombies where drowned. Including my mom, who for some reason was a giant space spider... Anyway I woke up shortly after that really broken up because my mom had died in the dream. Hence my point when you dream it still effects your emotions. leading me to believe in the reality jumping theory. :-D I've also had dreams where I'm at camp, or a school function where there are a lot of other people around. Now I'm not big on crowds but when you live on a planet with 6 billion other people it's sometimes unavoidable. Any way in the dreams such as those, I'm hanging out with both friends and peers, and there is always a girl who likes me. So of course my sleeping mind forms an attachment and I feel that sense of loss when I wake up again.
So tell me. What do you think of my theory? Do you have similar experiences while dreaming? I look forward to input. I always like finding out I'm not the only one who has strange dreams. :-D