4 weeks on the road. it feels sooo great to be home again. france was good. 3 weeks camping with 36 degrees heat and in the end with 19. the weather was everything. from hot and humid to stormy and thunder and rain and cold. i had nice experiences, did intuitive archery and gatka, learned new recipes, met nice people and had fun. the two weddings afterwards have been nice, too. one of them was on an ancient castle which was a wonderful location. food was great, too. but i am looking forward to my daily routines and happy, healthy holy stuff

It is great to hear from you - glad you had such remarkable experiences in France
glad you're back
love the photo - you look to be in a contemplative mood, you look so centred
it is good to find your own comfortable daily routines - your home - after travels
thanks for coming back to SG - I thought you might be leaving
it is a joy to feel your presence