I'm back! My computer was in the shop all week. My hard drive was failing and I was lucky enough to be able to have it cloned onto a new drive and now I'm back up and running.
Right before I took the computer in for repairs, I was able to finish up Ashbury's set. We shot this with a fancy red sports car in the garage where she works.
Then I finished the first part of Sheyva's new set. As soon as she reviews and approves the images, I'll be submitting it. She's sporting some new ink in this set, among other new decorations.
And, I just wrapped up editing on a set for VikiCupcake. I'll finish up the graphics on Monday and get it turned in thereafter.
And in just twelve short days, we'll get sets from both AvaAdora and Annasthesia.
I shot this with AvaAdora in Cleveland during my Thanksgiving break.
And this dates back to my very humble beginnings, 12 months ago when the wonderful Annasthesia was kind enough to give me a chance.
Bonus pic
I don't post nudes very often, so this one is a bonus. It's an outtake from AvaAdora's set. We were in a hurry because we only had a limited amount of time at our location. I only had one studio light and everything else was battery powered flashguns. A few times I didn't wait long enough for the batteries to recycle, and only the strobe light fired, which would throw the light off kilter and ruin the picture.
However, I really liked the way that this shot came out, and I thought I could salvage it by converting to black & white. It isn't part of the set, but makes a pretty nice free standing shot.
Right before I took the computer in for repairs, I was able to finish up Ashbury's set. We shot this with a fancy red sports car in the garage where she works.

Then I finished the first part of Sheyva's new set. As soon as she reviews and approves the images, I'll be submitting it. She's sporting some new ink in this set, among other new decorations.

And, I just wrapped up editing on a set for VikiCupcake. I'll finish up the graphics on Monday and get it turned in thereafter.

And in just twelve short days, we'll get sets from both AvaAdora and Annasthesia.
I shot this with AvaAdora in Cleveland during my Thanksgiving break.

And this dates back to my very humble beginnings, 12 months ago when the wonderful Annasthesia was kind enough to give me a chance.

I don't post nudes very often, so this one is a bonus. It's an outtake from AvaAdora's set. We were in a hurry because we only had a limited amount of time at our location. I only had one studio light and everything else was battery powered flashguns. A few times I didn't wait long enough for the batteries to recycle, and only the strobe light fired, which would throw the light off kilter and ruin the picture.
However, I really liked the way that this shot came out, and I thought I could salvage it by converting to black & white. It isn't part of the set, but makes a pretty nice free standing shot.

YES! I will be in Tally for the bout. I'm playing with the New Jax City Rollers, so look for Dirty Rawkstar!