Well, I have had quite an exciting time in Latin America. The only downfall was that I didn't get a chance to do much tourism and I was overwhelmed by the incredible poverty of some areas. I consider my self blessed to be living in the US. Anyway, I have been bad about writing the journal and now the entire website is different. It will take some getting used to.
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 20, 2005
Today was not a good day, go away! -
Friday Sep 09, 2005
It has been a while since I last posted here. Here's is the latest an… -
Monday Aug 08, 2005
Today I am in Miami, I have received news that my grandfather passed … -
Thursday Jul 28, 2005
Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing well. Okay, h… -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
The Move is over!!!! Hey everyone, well, I finally got situated into … -
Saturday Jul 09, 2005
I am moving this week. I probably won't be able to write on this thin… -
Friday Jul 01, 2005
This past week I have been going to bed at 1 AM. Since it's a long we… -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
Hey everyone! Right after work, I headed to the house so I can start … -
Wednesday Jun 22, 2005
Hello everyone, well.. I have exciting news. I bought the house!!! YE… -
Friday Jun 10, 2005
I'm still alive, had a lot of work to do. Will update, promise.