Alright, this week I have not been able to sleep a full 8 hrs. However, I am not dragging ass at work, I just can't sleep right. It might be because I spend most of my time here. Today I have a laundry list of things I HAVE to get done. So encourage me to do them before I post again later this evening.

I know what you mean, my sleep cycle is SO messed up. I think I'm really nocturnal by nature. No matter what time of day I get up. Whether it's 6AM or 2PM, I walways stay awake until 4:30-5AM Which is why I am pondering working graves at all the new places I apply. I have worked it before, and I liked it, But it all depends on the place. We'll see.
Derek isn't allowed to just call the cops when shit like that happens. First he has to call the loss prevention guy, then he has to call his district manager...and if he knows for a fact where the kids live, or where they went, one of his bosses decides if the police should get involved. In this case, it was a couple bitch ass kids, and D had no idea where they went. but he knows what they look like, so if he sees them in the store again, he's going to kick some ass. haha.