Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing well. Okay, here is the latest update. I am still working with the same firm, even though I feel a nugget of sastisfaction helping people with their financial decision, I still hate the fucking place. Especially since these corporate monkeys bought the place out. So I am seriously considering working for the govt. I...
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dude! you need to join my Latina group and Cigar group! just go to my journal!
Stick it to the man................don't know where that came from
.........but I felt cool typing it so.............Stick it to the man
The Move is over!!!! Hey everyone, well, I finally got situated into my new home. Things have been a little... unpleasant (wife yelling, dog barking etc) However, everything seems to be falling into place. Will update later.
I am moving this week. I probably won't be able to write on this thing much. Also, I am getting really aggrevated with work. I tried to help out our clients and I get bitched at for not following the rules. Fucking outsourcing!
This past week I have been going to bed at 1 AM. Since it's a long weekend, I have to catch up on some needed sleep. Went to see War of the Worlds yesterday, I prefer the book since it does not have Dakota Fanning screaming. Anyway, the house is looking gorgeous. Put in wood floors and changed a few light fixures it's starting to...
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I hope you get some sleep. thats awesome that the house is starting to come together.
thanks for the email sweets
Hey everyone! Right after work, I headed to the house so I can start remodeling a few things. My father in law and his 8 year son came to help out all the way from GA. Too bad my wife thought that it was only going to be her dad. I ended up taking a working TV so I can hook up the kid's Gamecube....
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Family is overrated
Hello everyone, well.. I have exciting news. I bought the house!!! YEAH!!! I have to work my tail off on it though. I spent 8 hrs on Sunday ripping up some funky carpet (not fun). But this weekend, I'm having maple wood installed. I'm starting to get sick of the corporate world I currently work for. Also, when I officially move into the new house...
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CONGRATS!!!!! why no funky carpet tho.. i soooo love shag carpet... mmmmmmmm naked... toes
When I mean funky carpet, I mean it was smelly. Who has orange carpet on their floor?
I'm still alive, had a lot of work to do. Will update, promise.
I will sit here and wait..................haha........hope you had fun on your trip
Hey everybody! Today I have to go to Dallas, TX for a family reunion. Well... not my family since they all live in Miami but wifey's family. Which I'm somewhat nervous about since it is my first time at the reunion. From what I understand there will be kareoke, catfish and waterskiing. I'll see you guys on Monday.
Monday I get a visit from my boss, and he is kind enough to tell me that I am going to be taking on pension benefit for our retired firm employees. Which is not bad, but I wish I would have gotten at least a day's notice instead of him telling me that I was late even though I did not know I had to...
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oh freaky my closest friends are my hubby and a guy named john
................don't be upset about the friend thing I get pissed too but in Va there is really nowhere to meet new friends unless you are in school........(I guess I should have made more friends then
)...I also don't hang out with people from work well b/c I see them almost everyday anyway and half of them are scary............GOOD LUCK with the new job offer
Good morning everyone. Another Monday, another week at the office. Saturday I met with the contractor, and I fired him after meeting him for ten minutes. The guy had a hangover, showed up an hour late and off the bat told me that he could not do a lot of the work I wanted done. I got an estimate from somebody else and they told...
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sorry about the contractor mess.. i know some good ones but they are over here.
Man... If I ever think it's time to buy a house- well, I'm cominng to you for advice on how to do it...
Happy Friday Everyone! It's a few minutes before I have to go to work. So far, everything with the house is coming to order. I have to meet the contractors tomorrow, which means I have to get up early.... on a Saturday... curses! That's pretty much it.... dang, I live a very dull life.
Thanks for saying hi. Hope you have a good day at work. Congrats on the house thing... that is a cute name for a frog.. i was thinking about Sapo but dexi named him for me.
I had to get up early to go to work... bleh.
Hi everyone, well here is an update. I am thinking about getting a new job since I will be living kind of far from the DC location. But if the new job does not pay me at least 1,000 more per year I won't take it. Just an update on my life. I am back and at work and not dreading it as much as...
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