Well, I have had quite an exciting time in Latin America. The only downfall was that I didn't get a chance to do much tourism and I was overwhelmed by the incredible poverty of some areas. I consider my self blessed to be living in the US. Anyway, I have been bad about writing the journal and now the entire website is different. It will...
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Recently, I have been seeing more and more paperwork in my inbox at the office than I have seen in the last year that I have been working. My thoughts are that since our economy is getting a little better, we are seeing more cases. Anyway, enough of that office talk. I have been getting e-mails from my secret admirer. I do love seeing her...
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Happy Memorial Day!

This is a picture for my Romero

Well May 1 has come and gone. There were no disruptions, but we predicted that it would not cause too much in the markets. By looking at the clock, I say it's time to get ready.
**Online flirting!**

I was driving today and I noticed a girl walking on the opposite side of the road. She looked upset and she walked in a huff. As I got closer to the horizon I saw a disabled car. I assumed it was her, I made a turn and she was still walking but I did not have the guts to stop and ask if she...
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Thank you darlin! I'd love to be on your plane!

Today I woke up at 4:30 thinking I had to be at work at 5:30 only to realize that it is for NEXT MONDAY!!! Since I'm up, I figured I should update you on what's going on. People at the office are nervous about May 1 actions. Not due to the economic impact it might cause on the markets that day but the aftermath of...
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You are so sweet!!

There is nothing much to report for this week. Actually, I keep saying that I want to keep this thing updated but let's get real it's not going to happen. I try to keep you guys updated on events that occur with me. Here's some new though, I had a psycho ex girlfriend who's now starting to harras me electronically. I had to cancel an...
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Five years? Wow that's intense. Yeah, you'd think she'd take the hint...
Work stuff
Well, I decided to include at least one pic of myself on this website. I hope all of you appreciate, or realize how ugly I am. It's up to you.
My god, it's been months since I last posted on this thing. Anyway, here's a fresh update. I got a new dog, so now I have another mouth to feed. Got a raise at work KaChIng! Also, I'm still debating whether I should put a real picture or not.
dude... are we related?......
no trust me theres a reason I ask that....there are some pretty strange coincidences that would lead me to think that...
umm... sorry... that is all
no trust me theres a reason I ask that....there are some pretty strange coincidences that would lead me to think that...
umm... sorry... that is all
I can't sleep, it is 2:40 in the morning and I am so awake. Christmas is coming up but I am not in the holiday mood. That's all, wanted to let everybody know I'm alive.
Updates needed man.
I hope everyone's thanksgiving was good. Lots of turkey at Miami, long drive back to DC is a miracle I didn't run off the road.
Can't sleep.

Also, I comment like mad on random people's journals at 4 AM.
[Edited on Nov 22, 2005 4:04AM]
[Edited on Nov 22, 2005 4:04AM]
Hook-up page. You were a recent journal entry.