I was heading to my first store to merchandise on highway 65 in Indiana, about an hour from home and ten minutes from my store and it was a downpour, driving into the angle of the rain, a little hard to see and slick. I was in the right lane, my exit was maybe a mile and half away, then suddenly the cars in front of me all braked for some reason, I couldn't slow down fast enough plus was scared to brake too hard in the rain and swerved into the left lane to avoid rear-ending those people and causing a multi-car accident. So I swerved into the left lane, fishtailed, lost control of my car, went back into the right lane while spinning a round a few 360s, hit the ditch embankment backwards (opposite direction from where I was going)slid for a bit backwards and then somehow spun around again (now facing the way I was originally driving) and landed in the ditch. Of course it all happened so fast but all I could think during that was "please don't flip over!" And thankfully I didn't. The ditch dips down and has not very high embankments but they were slosh and mud. And I was somewhat wedged on diagonally. I got incredibly lucky today, I didn't hit anyone, I didn't flip my car and I didn't get hit by any number of semis behind me flying past. I am not injured. No bodily damage to car. Police came, tried to help me drive it out but tires just wedged into the mud more, the called a tow, the tow was freaking $250 just for pulling me out and driving me down the road a few miles (luckily my mom lives nearby). Got the car into my mom's garage, left passenger tired was knocked off the bead and flat due to the mud inside (not so bad, really, got it cleaned out and reset for $8) battery was dead due to hazard lights being on and the battery was kinda going anyways so my mom's mechanic neighbor used some sort of device to give it a quickstart, got the car running (WOW!) and then as soon as running much leakage occured from a broken transmission line I guess. Apparently I can only get the part from Ford as it's one they don't often carry and they have to order it from another Ford dealership. Fuck my life, I missed work today, supposed to work tomorrow and Ford can't get the part until Wednesday. I know it's really almost a miracle I am fine, a live with no injuries and doesn't seem to be too much damage to the car which is super surprising considering how busy that highway is, the speed we were going and how hard I hit the ditch embankment. I am so fortunate to be here to type this and that I didn't hurt anyone, myself, flip my car or get hit by a semi during all this. But fuck, man! Really?! The pull out of the ditch and tow alone was exorbitant, I hope I can afford the part on Monday and all the trans fluid I will need and hopefully that is all that is miraculously wrong with me car *fingers crossed* This was a scary fucking day and my brain is emotionally exhausted and Idk. Just fuck fuck FUCK! I know I am super lucky but I so did not need this financially right now. I am glad I am okay and that nothing got injured while slamming into ditch banks. Hey, it's ya girl Romany, and I am still here, still alive, still chugging on. I'm still in shock a bit even though this happened hours ago now but my thoughts are racing, anxiety is high. Need to be able to get to work and driving is half of my job. Send me good vibes, I could use them.
That's some serous shit! Glad to hear you came through it alright, I think you need to go and buy a lottery ticket!