Wednesday Jan 26, 2005 Jan 26, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email i am sitting zazen tonight in the museum. for 2 hours, my back is gonna love me. nichi nichi kore ko nichi every day is a good day VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS geckogirl: yeah, thats the new rule. they have "open events" then check you out to see if you can be in the cool kid club and get invited to all events. or you can get someone to vouch for you Jan 27, 2005 geckogirl: sure sure, dont worry, there will be other opportunities. i'd love the chance to talk about why milan kundera is a misogynistic asshole. i keed! sorta. Jan 27, 2005
or you can get someone to vouch for you
i'd love the chance to talk about why milan kundera is a misogynistic asshole. i keed!