had a little hiatus that involved moving to a new house and being without interent for the better part of a month.
so now i'm settled down, we should hang out.
also, my new job starts friday. well, really it started today, but we open friday night.
kirkwood aces bar and grill
1992 hosea williams dr in kirkwood.
come out and have fun.
so now i'm settled down, we should hang out.
also, my new job starts friday. well, really it started today, but we open friday night.
kirkwood aces bar and grill
1992 hosea williams dr in kirkwood.
come out and have fun.
Ok yes I do know you Carry...

You know, so many guys say that, "Oh it's cool if you're not so much of a lady." but I think they still want a woman who will tell them they are funny and the best man in the whole world, wear cute clothes, and brush their hair a lot.
It's just not me. I'm not a "Yes sir" kind of woman. I don't fit the southern prototype.
It's just not me. I'm not a "Yes sir" kind of woman. I don't fit the southern prototype.

tonight at work, a customer said to me:
"you have an AWESOME face".
it made my night.
"you have an AWESOME face".
it made my night.
Here and in real life.

i didnt go anywhere I just got a little busy thats all.

i got mugged in piedmont park tonight. two dudes with guns came up behind us.
we're ok and they only took 20 bucks, but they got my cell phone.
fuck people.
we're ok and they only took 20 bucks, but they got my cell phone.
fuck people.
that's crazy man. glad you're ok
milan kundera once defined poetry as "that which everyone writes, but no one wants to read." that being said, tell me what you think:
i kissed you in an elevator
i kissed your hands in the night
i kissed you in an aeroplane
on a transatlantic flight
europe couldn't hold us
and elevators reach too tall
and if i had known you meant it
Read More
i kissed you in an elevator
i kissed your hands in the night
i kissed you in an aeroplane
on a transatlantic flight
europe couldn't hold us
and elevators reach too tall
and if i had known you meant it
Read More
next question, and then i promise i'll be done with the emo shit:
why can't you just talk to me about it? you'd be amazed at what i can take.
not talking is about the only thing i can't take.
why can't you just talk to me about it? you'd be amazed at what i can take.
not talking is about the only thing i can't take.
some people are not very good with confrontation. or they have difficulty breaking bad news. they dont wanna be the bad guy. so they just disappear and that way they never have to deal with a hurt or angry you. no, its not nice and its selfish. i'm sorry you've been jerked around
gecko nailed it. it's happened to me and i've done it to others. not something i'm proud of and i vowed never to do it again. some people just have a hard time doing that shit.
why is it that every girl that gets close to me leaves without so much as saying goodbye? like once you find out enough about me it drives you away.
i mean, i try not to get introverted and calloused, but goddamn it's getting harder by the day.
i mean, i try not to get introverted and calloused, but goddamn it's getting harder by the day.
i'm going to guess its because you are very intense. they don't know how to break it off in a normal way.
but i cant say for sure. its just a hunch
but i cant say for sure. its just a hunch
fudge! i keep forgetting that you aren't in the SGATL group. we had a rockin' party last night you coulda/shoulda come to
i have to kill myself to get my portfolio done over the next few weeks but i'll let you know if i can poke my head out for a bit

i have to kill myself to get my portfolio done over the next few weeks but i'll let you know if i can poke my head out for a bit
how many more, how many more...

never NEVER underestimate the power of myth.
or the power of cheese. or what brown can do for you.
keep your eyes open.
keep your eyes open.

so i hung around estoria for like an hour, didn't see anybody i recognized, and no one recognized me. so i went home.
sorry i missed out.
sorry i missed out.
well we didnt get there until 9:45ish. and i went to the bathroom at one point but i dont remember what time. next time you try to join us, i'll hook you up with my # so you can call and ask where the fuck we are

maybe 2 months until the next open event but i bet i can drag you to something before then. i'll keep you posted
Thanks -