It's way too fucking early in the morning and I haven't slept, so after watching the same two episodes of Degrassi that I've seen all weekend, it's only right that I watch shitty Disney morning cartoons; you know, not even the cool Mickey Mouse shit, but the low-budget crap they shovel in today's three year old faces who don't know any better.
So there's this one with this bunny, and I've seen a few episodes so I can make the informed decision that this bunny named Max is a fucking retard. Like seriously, I think this show is about mentally challenged rabbits. The last two episodes involved him making mudpies for everyone and the most current includes our rabbit friend chasing a butterfly like he's special-ed, despite his mother obviously telling him to stand still for the family photo. A poster child for Ritalin, I assure you.
And I know if I was six, I'd eat this shit up like crack.
So there's this one with this bunny, and I've seen a few episodes so I can make the informed decision that this bunny named Max is a fucking retard. Like seriously, I think this show is about mentally challenged rabbits. The last two episodes involved him making mudpies for everyone and the most current includes our rabbit friend chasing a butterfly like he's special-ed, despite his mother obviously telling him to stand still for the family photo. A poster child for Ritalin, I assure you.
And I know if I was six, I'd eat this shit up like crack.

sorry, what about the floor?