Hello, hello ! I spent my day to do nothing... I watched a movie with the beautiful Gal Garcia Bernal, I read a strange book "Tabloid dreams" of Robert Olen Butler. I've done a shopping day friday : books (a lot of) and japanese paper (I looove papetery).
It was a funny day saturday (SG french gathering) and some people asked me what king of... Read More
Hello everybody ! This is the end of holidays, back to work, a lot of work... !
So, I was in Istanbul with my friend Farida. It was wonderful, the "derviches tourneurs" and their poetry, their music, all the monuments, huge of history and beauty, the islands and the beach, the palaces, the gardens and their profumes, the incredible night of dancing on the terraces,... Read More
Hello everybody. I had a hard week, lot of work, lot of deceptions. So, I apologize for my silence.
I try to think to happy things, like my holidays in Turchia ! Sainte-Sophie, la mosque bleue, nice people... I'm watching TV and they told thas there was an explosion in Turchia one hour ago : the world is so dirty.
I am reading a beautiful book at the moment called Blackberry Wine by Joanne Harris, I started reading it in Thezan in France recently, it fitted the situation, but now I'm back in England it doesnt feel the same.
U need more pictures up...you look rather beatiful (oh that sounded lame, bof, never mind) x
I'm Emeline, Romah, and sometimes Penelope. I'm NOT schysophrenic, and every identity has a reason to be : Romah for SG, because this is my favorite city, because H is the first letter of my lastname. Penelope, for internet in general, for Pingoo particularly, because of Ulysse, of course. Emeline, because this is my real name in the real life...