yo yo
my rents away for a week from today which is cool my gorgous is comeing tonight to stay
cant wait.. gonna give her loads of love she deserves proly go out to night get drunk should be cool my band is getting better haha even though we dont have a name we have had 2 but had to change them surly we will come up with 1 soon we have 3 deffo songs
....hair cut tomo in leeds at toni and guy
hopefully i will look well fly innit or just look like beckham or sumin
we'll have to get totally mongoed at arena on fri bro, on till four, be well smashed by then! grezz is cummin. you reckon layla liela lola will cum ? or you cummin without her, i will so sulk and ram yr car or summin if you don't cum, so you ARE cummin.
well happy for you and liela, she's ace, bout time you found someone that makes you
haha only jokeyin
fallin for sarah in a big way mate, she's fuckin wikid bo.
you'll finally get to meet her next fri!
or maybe tomorrow?!
cum to sheff for 12-1ish tomorrow.
street sesh ummf, wunt mind house warm up, i'll be well hungover, need to break mesen in nice n easy!
you nearly let secret rail secret slip then dint you, would've had to have lopped yer head off mate, no matter how much i love you!
speakin of head n lopped off, get a fuckin haircut you scruffy bastod, look like noel fuckin galleger! haha
have to go to ashby babrber 2.50 instead of toni n guy bank loan!
see you tommo bro