got my belly button pierced. and i have finnaly found a place in the UK that does dermal punches the size i want. so here comes a nice 8mm conch. woohoo
oh and does any one think i should get tattoos on my hands. i want some roses near my thumbs, nothing too big,. but its a big step
oh and does any one think i should get tattoos on my hands. i want some roses near my thumbs, nothing too big,. but its a big step
ha ha i wish i come from a place much worse middlesborough
that sucks worse than anywhere but i want to move to USA woo sun shine and cheap stuff.. im off to san fran and new york in august which should rock

buying the ticket at the end of this week so not set dates yet but i think its cheaper the later u go so probs the end of august. Yeah ive heard its expensive but it can't be as bad as London cos thats just a rip off. Im so excited i dont care about money well i do cos im skint life sucks then you go on holiday