can it get any worse????
i thought we were never going to get home.
india was in a state of denial of how drunk i was still from the night before. (i was driving ya see
) i fell out my car at a service station and stumbled PAST the door, good job there was no police around. i cant belive i got home in one piece
p.s. learoys gates are sooooooooo pimping. i want me some for when i get my house

can it get any worse????
i thought we were never going to get home.
india was in a state of denial of how drunk i was still from the night before. (i was driving ya see

p.s. learoys gates are sooooooooo pimping. i want me some for when i get my house
nintendoXcore shall i use this as a new name?? i dunno
Hello there, good to see you again on Saturday. Sorry to hear about you guys travel problems. The Metropolitan line is one of the worst in London, next only to the Picadilly line. And both of the bastards go to Harrow, thats screws me, kinto and learoy up
What gate has learoy got?