ive started work on a short film, and it is a lot harder to film yourself and do things, than it looks. i wish there was an easier way to do this but i dont think there is. except having some one else film it for me, and would take away the whole point off the filum. looking back at the few edits i made. i REALLY, REALLY need a hair cut, altho i have been meaning to do this for some time. but now its getting dire.
i might cancel my subscription with this place. altho i am sure i only paid for 3 months, and yet i am still on, with no re-billing.
but what i dont like abou this site is the fact there is soo many cute girls, that i would give my life up for, but would never give me a second look if i were to bump into them in the street. what is the point of becoming fixated with someone you know you will never be able to have, or to hold. it goes against all my beliefs, but yet i have paid to join in with the rest of them. what does that make me?? i seem to only really like someone thst shows me reall, face to face affection first. maybe its because i am emo. maybe its so i know i could hold a grip onto them, and change them. (more likely to be that one) hehe. but now girls are seeming to be drying up in my area. at least girls with something about them. yet i can never find anyone from away, as i feel the only real quality i have is my personality(and i am a good fuck
and good with my tongue
) but how are girls suppose to find that about me, if i am too scared to go up to em??
argh i hate this life. roll on the next one.
its good to get it all out.....
someone send me some Fruit loops. it wil lmake me happy. i know
i might cancel my subscription with this place. altho i am sure i only paid for 3 months, and yet i am still on, with no re-billing.

argh i hate this life. roll on the next one.
its good to get it all out.....

someone send me some Fruit loops. it wil lmake me happy. i know
Awwww! I am sure many of the girls on this sight would jump you and take you away with them. Don't be silly.