For once I am not going to post about my PTSD or my sexual assault issues. Time to change the pace....
Do any of you eat Paleo? I have been on it for about 2 months and have had great success so far. My Crossfit workouts are so much stronger and I have dropped 10lbs. Just curious how many of my military friends out there...
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Do any of you eat Paleo? I have been on it for about 2 months and have had great success so far. My Crossfit workouts are so much stronger and I have dropped 10lbs. Just curious how many of my military friends out there...
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<---Crossfit hater. be careful with that shit
I'm not military, but I CrossFit with a lot of active duty servicemen and I eat Paleo. Both are the way to go! If you're looking for good recipes, head over to He's the man behind the Primal Blueprint, which is basically the trademark version of Paleo. He's got a lot of good recipes on his website. And he's got a couple cookbooks out, too. As he would say, Grok on!
That comic is hilarious.
It's always great to hear from you!