I have an alcoholic in my family. I went to my first Alanon meeting yesterday. For those of you that don't know about Alanon.....its a group of people who either have a friend, family member, loved one, etc. that is an alcoholic. Alanon teaches you how to deal with these people despite the problem they have with drinking and whether they may or may not be getting help.
I am so happy that I went. I feel stronger. I feel that I can deal with it a lot better. Even though this was my first meeting, I am pretty sure that I will be attending more meetings. Yesterday was the first day in a long time where I actually felt peace WITHIN myself.
I am so happy that I went. I feel stronger. I feel that I can deal with it a lot better. Even though this was my first meeting, I am pretty sure that I will be attending more meetings. Yesterday was the first day in a long time where I actually felt peace WITHIN myself.
Be prepared for some of the lessons being though! But it greatly helps to get a bearing. 
