Well I finally did it. Got my first Tattoo today. I had wanted one for a long time. One to pay some respects to my family, well my brothers really. When we were children our father had made us wooden swords and shield, and on each of the shields he had put a crest on them for each of us. So I decided that would be a great idea for a tat, updated it some and definatly gave myself some creative input into it's look... But I loved the thought of it, and I've kept putting it off and off for years now. So today I just woke up and said fuck it. I'm doing it.
Went in, got a design drawn up, and blam, 4 hours later there I was... New look to my left arm... It's nice. Not nearly as painful as I expected either. Not painful at all actually. At times it felt bothersome, burned a bit and was definatly uncomfortable. But as for actual pain? Naaa. Silly as it may come off, it almost felt liberating.
I can see how these things become addictive. Though I don't have any plan for another at the moment, I would not discount the idea for the future.
Went in, got a design drawn up, and blam, 4 hours later there I was... New look to my left arm... It's nice. Not nearly as painful as I expected either. Not painful at all actually. At times it felt bothersome, burned a bit and was definatly uncomfortable. But as for actual pain? Naaa. Silly as it may come off, it almost felt liberating.
I can see how these things become addictive. Though I don't have any plan for another at the moment, I would not discount the idea for the future.
Where did you get it done?
Wilson is cuuuuute!!!