Did the Philly to San Diego trip again.This time-3,000 miles in 47 hours! Highlights:Mexican death metal station in AZ.,American Indians on roller skates in NM.,talking to hillbillies in OK. and ARK. and record driving time. Lowlights:Fighting with the ex cause I coulda had time to get more ink,her showing up with the car so full that I could'nt see out the windows and there was no room for me either,hitting a truck tire in TN. and tearing the front end of the car off,duct taping it back on,getting evil looks everywhere for wearing my devil t-shirts,talking to hillbillies,driving through snowstorms in AZ.and CA. and realizing most of the U.S. is fucked up
but i put up some pictures of the carnaval samba school in my candid pics.....!!