....so much for all the assertions that it's not a dating site....
not that there's anything wrong with that - i happened to meet the love of my life thanks to this silly site.
as for life in the real world....it's pretty damn good.
other than this morning being a total pain in the arse due to work bullshit. whatever.
i began a new quarter at school, so that means my 90210 summer of fun has unfortunately come to an end. time to start studying again.
so it's probably good timing for the 1-month hiatus i'm taking from drinking. just trying to support someone i love even more than i love my vodka. funny how it's much easier for me to quit for her than to quit just for myself.
the sobriety factor has allowed me to catch up on some movie action. 'sky captain and the world of tomorrow' was ok. there should have been more angelina and more bai ling. i think a threesome scene between them and jude law would have worked quite well in the movie. just a thought.
'a dirty shame' was hysterical. so wrong. in such a good way. and full frontal is always fun.
and the funniest movie i've seen in a long time was my buddy's movie 'never been thawed.' it's his first film, and i was extremely impressed. i hope he receives the recognition he deserves.
it played at the silverlake film festival and there was a crazy performance art show thingy outside the arclight before the show. about a dozen scantily clad people were completely covered in white and they vaguely resembled different animals. they all looked possessed and were crawling all over the ground and each other and in a pen with hay on the ground. the scene had a unique visceral vibe with a surprising sensuality. chaotic, yet graceful. i was completely transfixed and enthralled, but it scared the hell out of my buddy who was really stoned. he had to retreat. then one of them pulled me out of the crowd and put me into a wheelchair. she pushed me through the crowd, purposefully bumping me into people as i laughed my ass off.
even though we watched for quite a while, we were never able to ascertain their purpose/message. did anyone else see the crazy show?
not that there's anything wrong with that - i happened to meet the love of my life thanks to this silly site.
as for life in the real world....it's pretty damn good.
other than this morning being a total pain in the arse due to work bullshit. whatever.
i began a new quarter at school, so that means my 90210 summer of fun has unfortunately come to an end. time to start studying again.
so it's probably good timing for the 1-month hiatus i'm taking from drinking. just trying to support someone i love even more than i love my vodka. funny how it's much easier for me to quit for her than to quit just for myself.
the sobriety factor has allowed me to catch up on some movie action. 'sky captain and the world of tomorrow' was ok. there should have been more angelina and more bai ling. i think a threesome scene between them and jude law would have worked quite well in the movie. just a thought.
'a dirty shame' was hysterical. so wrong. in such a good way. and full frontal is always fun.
and the funniest movie i've seen in a long time was my buddy's movie 'never been thawed.' it's his first film, and i was extremely impressed. i hope he receives the recognition he deserves.
it played at the silverlake film festival and there was a crazy performance art show thingy outside the arclight before the show. about a dozen scantily clad people were completely covered in white and they vaguely resembled different animals. they all looked possessed and were crawling all over the ground and each other and in a pen with hay on the ground. the scene had a unique visceral vibe with a surprising sensuality. chaotic, yet graceful. i was completely transfixed and enthralled, but it scared the hell out of my buddy who was really stoned. he had to retreat. then one of them pulled me out of the crowd and put me into a wheelchair. she pushed me through the crowd, purposefully bumping me into people as i laughed my ass off.

even though we watched for quite a while, we were never able to ascertain their purpose/message. did anyone else see the crazy show?
Real Good
Roxy did my sky points the other day. Crazy!