yet another amazing weekend of indulging and further perpetuating my favorite addiction.
checked out the diane arbus exhibit (always the procrastinator, i waited until its last weekend at lacma to finally make it there). it was a very worthy use of a beautiful saturday afternoon. and surprisingly we werent kicked out and were not the visitors censured by the militant museum staff.
we hit up some 3-day weekend party action on sunday night, but I had to behave because i still had my usual 12-hour monday marathon of classes to look forward to. good times regardless. (and I was beyond stoked when I found out on monday that my night class was actually canceled).
spent some q.t. with the ever-so-generous and entertaining homewrecker. (the drop was successful and no arrests were made).
had breakfast with my favorite non name-dropper.
saw some good movies:
- saved i laughed my ass off. i definitely recommend it, except to those of you who are evangelical, bible-thumping christians. which according to my calculations, should be exactly zero of you.
- stuck on you very pleasantly surprised. its much better than the previews suggested.
- nightmare on elm street (the latter half) the original. i had forgotten that i had seen it before - i was about 8 the first time i saw and it fucked with me a bit. (where the hell were my parents when i was watching that? i must have been in the attentative care of my teenage, pothead, party-hosting, childhood baby-sitter, shannon. yeah, she rocked).
and the rest of the weekend hours were happily occupied lost in infatuation.
im still living sans computer, so i apologize once again for not keeping in touch with you fabulous freaks.
checked out the diane arbus exhibit (always the procrastinator, i waited until its last weekend at lacma to finally make it there). it was a very worthy use of a beautiful saturday afternoon. and surprisingly we werent kicked out and were not the visitors censured by the militant museum staff.
we hit up some 3-day weekend party action on sunday night, but I had to behave because i still had my usual 12-hour monday marathon of classes to look forward to. good times regardless. (and I was beyond stoked when I found out on monday that my night class was actually canceled).
spent some q.t. with the ever-so-generous and entertaining homewrecker. (the drop was successful and no arrests were made).
had breakfast with my favorite non name-dropper.
saw some good movies:
- saved i laughed my ass off. i definitely recommend it, except to those of you who are evangelical, bible-thumping christians. which according to my calculations, should be exactly zero of you.
- stuck on you very pleasantly surprised. its much better than the previews suggested.
- nightmare on elm street (the latter half) the original. i had forgotten that i had seen it before - i was about 8 the first time i saw and it fucked with me a bit. (where the hell were my parents when i was watching that? i must have been in the attentative care of my teenage, pothead, party-hosting, childhood baby-sitter, shannon. yeah, she rocked).
and the rest of the weekend hours were happily occupied lost in infatuation.
im still living sans computer, so i apologize once again for not keeping in touch with you fabulous freaks.
What IS UP, rojo? Thanks so much for mailing me my shi-at. Finally paid rent today. Can't escape David Spade....first he was in HI, now at the W...sheesh...I think he's stalking me
Spent Friday night in the emergency room cuz I sliced my finger at work, rather than where I wanted to be.....still looking for a second job....other than that, things are great! And believe me you the magic continues.....(ya know what I'm talkin' about right?)

sound like you are having too much fun to be healthy