had an excellent time last night in my ritualistic monday night out at the abbey. my friends rock. i got a bit tipsy too. which is strange cuz i only had 3 drinks, which is nothing for me (i usually drink that much with breakfast ). i probably had residual alcohol still in my bloodstream from saturday night. (you see, my liver is threatening to go on strike in demand of better working conditions and shorter work days. and i suspect it's currently enacting a work slow-down to try to get me to cave. fuckin' unions. but i tend to be rather obstinate when i'm threatened.)
so when the alarm went off at 7am after having gone to bed at 4am, i quickly began the rationalization game in my muddled mind. i managed to convince myself that i didn't really need to be at class today, and that it's ok cuz i haven't missed any classes so far. it reminded me of my undergrad days when this was a daily occurence, and i looked for any excuse to skip class. but i'm supposed to be too mature for that now. guess not. i'm also supposed to be studying right now. so stop distracting me.
so when the alarm went off at 7am after having gone to bed at 4am, i quickly began the rationalization game in my muddled mind. i managed to convince myself that i didn't really need to be at class today, and that it's ok cuz i haven't missed any classes so far. it reminded me of my undergrad days when this was a daily occurence, and i looked for any excuse to skip class. but i'm supposed to be too mature for that now. guess not. i'm also supposed to be studying right now. so stop distracting me.
What day of the week is Modest Mouse? I have been missing a lot of classess (have to catch up on sleep sometime!) and spending a phenomenal amount of money (I'm gonna hafta switch to Miller Lite like Gordo pretty soon)
I LOVE the Candy Butchers. The song "Hang on Mike" was in my head the whole Vegas trip. You gotta check 'em out. They're helping me return for awhile to my happy music place. Don't worry....only the music is happy....the lyrics are actually pretty depressing