i need a job. as much as i've loved just traveling and going to school for the last month, there's a small concern called $$$. and i'm going to run out of it eventually. i can't decide what i want to do though. i could either stick with the bartender/server gig or i could go back into the corporate world. i think my indecision is due to the fact that i don't really care what i do. i just want to work in a good environment with cool people. so if anyone out there has any suggestions... it's all about the hookup in this town. sad but true.
I let her watch HBO on demand. We watched about six episodes of Sex and the City. When we were out drinking we were talking about kissing you and she told me the story of you guys kissing in front of RJ, and she told me what you guys were not wearing. Very saucy! Poor RJ must have been tortured. My story wasn't quite as cool cuz I told her we were playing drinking Jenga
thanks. I'm really excited about it (especially the free trip to new mexico at the end of march which gets me out of the frigid northeast part), although It will mean alot more work for me. But it will also make geting a job interview about twice as easy.