My new thing...
Temazepam is a benzodiazepine hypnotic agent
Any of a group of chemically similar psychotropic drugs with potent hypnotic and sedative action; used predominantly as antianxiety and sleep-inducing drugs.Side effects of these drugs may include impairment of psychomotor performance; amnesia; euphoria; dependence; and rebound (i.e., the return of symptoms) transiently worse than before treatment, upon discontinuation of the drug.
1. Pert. to sleep or hypnosis. 2. An agent that causes an insensitivity to pain by inhibiting afferent impulses or by inhibiting the reception of sensory impressions in the cortical centers of the brain, thus causing partial or complete unconsciousness.Hypnotics include sedatives, analgesics, anesthetics, and intoxicants, and are sometimes called somnifacients and soporifics when used to induce sleep.
Of course, now the nightmares and lucid dreams are out of control and I'm not sure that I'm sleeping any more that I was before... but it's certainly more intresting.
Temazepam is a benzodiazepine hypnotic agent
Any of a group of chemically similar psychotropic drugs with potent hypnotic and sedative action; used predominantly as antianxiety and sleep-inducing drugs.Side effects of these drugs may include impairment of psychomotor performance; amnesia; euphoria; dependence; and rebound (i.e., the return of symptoms) transiently worse than before treatment, upon discontinuation of the drug.
1. Pert. to sleep or hypnosis. 2. An agent that causes an insensitivity to pain by inhibiting afferent impulses or by inhibiting the reception of sensory impressions in the cortical centers of the brain, thus causing partial or complete unconsciousness.Hypnotics include sedatives, analgesics, anesthetics, and intoxicants, and are sometimes called somnifacients and soporifics when used to induce sleep.
Of course, now the nightmares and lucid dreams are out of control and I'm not sure that I'm sleeping any more that I was before... but it's certainly more intresting.