and I said, 'Hey, Its gonna end right here.'
I dunno what MJ was talking about: epic songs with four lines or less and lots of part repition (out of phase to each other) rule!
I like 'carpenter,' because those four couldn't be more city (nice lads tho.) and all thier songs are labour and land dispute songs - strangley enough, even in knowing this, I can't help but feel a certain isolated reverance for the music. Yup. Geek.
I found Christina's (Well mine now I suppose.) desapericidos (I don't care how its actually spelled.) cd today. I Still like them better than Bright eyes. Bright eyes is boring. At least there's more than Connor o'burst in that one. Statistics are the best of the lot IMO though, they seem to be unconditionally good. I like bands I don't need to distort things to like.
Anyways back to the point here: I'm not as cynical as I've been lately, and I feel its important to clarify this because sometimes I think the real revolutions (the real imporatant ones that is ) to come will not be those encompassing the masses, it'll be those wherein peoples actions are rewritten to be induviduals with each other.
I think self reliance and all that junk are important, but its retarded to try to live your life independant of those you want to really live with. Woo. Yeah!
And with one more spoon to the throat, outside solitary - its been really dishonest to tell the truth.
I won't sell, I won't sell, its all I've got. this is the best place that I have seen, there's crops and cornfields for miles and milesm this is the best place that I HAVE SEEN.
In other important news, the greatest stagnation results from a record collection not in phase with your state of mind.
I wonder if the world would be better if through every life changing event, people changed thier lives. You know, after the funeral, after the coffee, after the probationary period where you won't let yourself see promise - if at that precise moment you moved on, got rid of your car, sold your house, threw out everything you weren't in love with anymore, and either replaced it or changed it or made it obsolete.
If nothing else consumerism would want to fuck me for that policy.
Had a postcard from Ireland today, it had the initials J,C,M,M-A & B As the signature (uncle's lot) suddenly from nowhere I wanted to forge a relationship with the parts of my family I don't know. (ie all of them.) I want my next trip to cross continents, and hopefully thier paths.
I got a thin Lizzy record in the mail today, and three books. I told two people to get fucked and meant it once.
That was the one I didn't say out loud.This has been my day, and probably my life to this point: I wouldn't know; I don't live in the past. (HA... ha? No.)
I dunno what MJ was talking about: epic songs with four lines or less and lots of part repition (out of phase to each other) rule!
I like 'carpenter,' because those four couldn't be more city (nice lads tho.) and all thier songs are labour and land dispute songs - strangley enough, even in knowing this, I can't help but feel a certain isolated reverance for the music. Yup. Geek.
I found Christina's (Well mine now I suppose.) desapericidos (I don't care how its actually spelled.) cd today. I Still like them better than Bright eyes. Bright eyes is boring. At least there's more than Connor o'burst in that one. Statistics are the best of the lot IMO though, they seem to be unconditionally good. I like bands I don't need to distort things to like.
Anyways back to the point here: I'm not as cynical as I've been lately, and I feel its important to clarify this because sometimes I think the real revolutions (the real imporatant ones that is ) to come will not be those encompassing the masses, it'll be those wherein peoples actions are rewritten to be induviduals with each other.
I think self reliance and all that junk are important, but its retarded to try to live your life independant of those you want to really live with. Woo. Yeah!
And with one more spoon to the throat, outside solitary - its been really dishonest to tell the truth.
I won't sell, I won't sell, its all I've got. this is the best place that I have seen, there's crops and cornfields for miles and milesm this is the best place that I HAVE SEEN.
In other important news, the greatest stagnation results from a record collection not in phase with your state of mind.
I wonder if the world would be better if through every life changing event, people changed thier lives. You know, after the funeral, after the coffee, after the probationary period where you won't let yourself see promise - if at that precise moment you moved on, got rid of your car, sold your house, threw out everything you weren't in love with anymore, and either replaced it or changed it or made it obsolete.
If nothing else consumerism would want to fuck me for that policy.
Had a postcard from Ireland today, it had the initials J,C,M,M-A & B As the signature (uncle's lot) suddenly from nowhere I wanted to forge a relationship with the parts of my family I don't know. (ie all of them.) I want my next trip to cross continents, and hopefully thier paths.
I got a thin Lizzy record in the mail today, and three books. I told two people to get fucked and meant it once.
That was the one I didn't say out loud.This has been my day, and probably my life to this point: I wouldn't know; I don't live in the past. (HA... ha? No.)