I'm sorry, its over.
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Sunday Oct 16, 2005
Well the stale chips are up and hope stakes are down - its the ignora… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
For the record I hate it when people make comments about thier conidt… -
Saturday Sep 17, 2005
So I got bored and started a rock and roll promotions jobby. Stol… -
Thursday Sep 08, 2005
One of a my all time favourite songs is grandfather's left side by ki… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
and I said, 'Hey, Its gonna end right here.' I dunno what MJ was … -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
My mate Dustin who was supposed ot be moving into the hosue I'm buyin… -
Friday Aug 19, 2005
Holy hell batman. That, is fucked. (switched punctuation! HA!HA)!… -
Wednesday Aug 10, 2005
So tonight I was about to leave work; as always the last one out; the… -
Monday Aug 08, 2005
Letter of resignation! (this entry has nothing to do with the son… -
Friday Aug 05, 2005
The truth is, there is no amount of justification that is without its…
personally I wouldnt cover the tattoo at all. it need to breathe! wash it with soap, it's best if you got the provian soap or whatever the tattoo shop carries, once you get out of work. and just keep unscented lotion on it a couple times a day. it'll scab but dont pick at it!
if it gets too irritated from your job go back to your artist and ask what else he advises you do.
good luck!