That was the fucking sketchiest weekend I've had in years.
I still don't know what to make of any of it. Check it out, this is how it went down:
Friday night I spent most of the night booking shows making mixed disks, my friend who's been away in europe calls me for a drink so I go out, meet her friend, entertain small crush. The ship gets boring, so bollocks that i have an exam wednessday to study for.
Saturday I wake up at the crack of noon, make a mixed cd for one of three friends I've just gotten back in contact with (whichever I saw first I decided would get the first cd.) Anyways, I ended up meeting my friend Heather at SAIT while she overacted a crush she has on some fella, and ends up driving me back to my car - so I go and meet my mate Ian, we have some lovely sushi, go back to his place, talk about music, cd's his bands album, my band, play crib and drink some wine.
I decided to leave my car there, and walk over to a pub where some other friends (read as the ones I made cd's for) should be, and I ran into a load of friends who used to live in cochrane with me (thats all aside mind you.) so get back to the other group have a few drinks decide to go crash at one of thier places, and paint and get up for a grusome early start to work.
This is where things get odd, cause its Eava's house we go back to she tells me I'm gorgeous I'm shocked, and we end up going for loads of cigarettes at her house talking famous folk concerts we wish we went to. Here I reaslise I have no way to get to work, but I'm somewhat distracted because this beautiful girl I've knwon for years who I assumed had no interest in me, suddenly does.
So sheesha is smoked, paintaings are made shirts are ruined. Its four am. I set my cell phone for seven so I can find a way to work by nine. continue to be distracted, but not terribly because of the three other people crashing there.
Now here's where it gets messy:
My phone woke us all up, they partially convinced me to phone in sick - i made secret plans to go to work, because, well, I hate not going, and lieing. I called my friend who commutes past Eava's house to come pick me up - he doesn't call back, but I assume he's coming because he's good for that.
Ten after nine rolls around, and I get a call from his cell - its his cousin, he left his phone there, and he's already at work. SHIT. No one in the house is sober enough to give me a ride to my truck or job, and its a two hour bus ride.
So I call in, try to tell Brad whats going on, and he hangs up before I finish after muttering about me always being late, and to just get there.
Eleven rolls around and I finally found a way there, and in transit I call, I'm told by an intermediary to not bother coming in, and that I probably don't work there anymore. SHIT.
Oh well, to a day of hiking instead of the loathsome single shift a week job I was going to quit anyways.
After six hours of cave exploration I got home and called Matt (the lad I work with who I hoped coled give me a ride) who then tells me, he didn't mean to say I shouldn't come in, and that had I come in I probably would have been able to explain the situation and not get fired. SHIT. Oh well, part of the deal.
In end Eava drops me at my truck, without a word, as I turn up my collar, and walk off - it seems it might have been the drink, not sincerity that brought on her sudden feelings for me. Should have known. Aw well.
I suppose life it what happens when you don't intend it to. When digging through the drugdery isn't really your decay and much as turning it it away.
All I know is I've got two weeks of vacation I'm going to use to find a new job and a place in calgary, its really more or less time to move on as a whole.
I still don't know what to make of any of it. Check it out, this is how it went down:
Friday night I spent most of the night booking shows making mixed disks, my friend who's been away in europe calls me for a drink so I go out, meet her friend, entertain small crush. The ship gets boring, so bollocks that i have an exam wednessday to study for.
Saturday I wake up at the crack of noon, make a mixed cd for one of three friends I've just gotten back in contact with (whichever I saw first I decided would get the first cd.) Anyways, I ended up meeting my friend Heather at SAIT while she overacted a crush she has on some fella, and ends up driving me back to my car - so I go and meet my mate Ian, we have some lovely sushi, go back to his place, talk about music, cd's his bands album, my band, play crib and drink some wine.
I decided to leave my car there, and walk over to a pub where some other friends (read as the ones I made cd's for) should be, and I ran into a load of friends who used to live in cochrane with me (thats all aside mind you.) so get back to the other group have a few drinks decide to go crash at one of thier places, and paint and get up for a grusome early start to work.
This is where things get odd, cause its Eava's house we go back to she tells me I'm gorgeous I'm shocked, and we end up going for loads of cigarettes at her house talking famous folk concerts we wish we went to. Here I reaslise I have no way to get to work, but I'm somewhat distracted because this beautiful girl I've knwon for years who I assumed had no interest in me, suddenly does.
So sheesha is smoked, paintaings are made shirts are ruined. Its four am. I set my cell phone for seven so I can find a way to work by nine. continue to be distracted, but not terribly because of the three other people crashing there.
Now here's where it gets messy:
My phone woke us all up, they partially convinced me to phone in sick - i made secret plans to go to work, because, well, I hate not going, and lieing. I called my friend who commutes past Eava's house to come pick me up - he doesn't call back, but I assume he's coming because he's good for that.
Ten after nine rolls around, and I get a call from his cell - its his cousin, he left his phone there, and he's already at work. SHIT. No one in the house is sober enough to give me a ride to my truck or job, and its a two hour bus ride.
So I call in, try to tell Brad whats going on, and he hangs up before I finish after muttering about me always being late, and to just get there.
Eleven rolls around and I finally found a way there, and in transit I call, I'm told by an intermediary to not bother coming in, and that I probably don't work there anymore. SHIT.
Oh well, to a day of hiking instead of the loathsome single shift a week job I was going to quit anyways.
After six hours of cave exploration I got home and called Matt (the lad I work with who I hoped coled give me a ride) who then tells me, he didn't mean to say I shouldn't come in, and that had I come in I probably would have been able to explain the situation and not get fired. SHIT. Oh well, part of the deal.
In end Eava drops me at my truck, without a word, as I turn up my collar, and walk off - it seems it might have been the drink, not sincerity that brought on her sudden feelings for me. Should have known. Aw well.
I suppose life it what happens when you don't intend it to. When digging through the drugdery isn't really your decay and much as turning it it away.
All I know is I've got two weeks of vacation I'm going to use to find a new job and a place in calgary, its really more or less time to move on as a whole.
that sounds like a pretty good sketchiness.
we aren't all screaming because i believe there are some silent ones out there.