So I got bored and started a rock and roll promotions jobby.

Stolen wheelchair productions might just be the greatest thing that history has ever encountered.

Or I might put on a single show to help some friends out, and as an excuse to put some vinyl to use.
happy birthday!!
One of a my all time favourite songs is grandfather's left side by kill creek.

Grandfather's left side is weaker than yesterday. If you'd have called you'd have felt my father's silence. But you never stopped to notice that the quiet things blindside and sting. This simple town has renewed all its confidence. The needle and drink have replaced insecurity. Now our friends all are...
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Goodwork benson!
and I said, 'Hey, Its gonna end right here.'

I dunno what MJ was talking about: epic songs with four lines or less and lots of part repition (out of phase to each other) rule!

I like 'carpenter,' because those four couldn't be more city (nice lads tho.) and all thier songs are labour and land dispute songs - strangley enough, even in knowing this,...
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My mate Dustin who was supposed ot be moving into the hosue I'm buying, just ditched out. Pretty sure it was for some really petty reason or another. ( I suppose this is one of those things that we'll pretend wasn't stupid and ignore, and in so doing talk less. How incredibly lame breakups are)

My trips been changed to a rescue mission to pick...
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Holy hell batman.

That, is fucked. (switched punctuation! HA!HA)!

In other non - socail news, I'm going to victoria next weekend, by myself, because I'm tired, and the romance is being drained from almost everything by almost everyone I hold dear.

I also got a dire straits vinyl in the mail today. Sweet butt! Now I just need a record player - and to stop...
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So tonight I was about to leave work; as always the last one out; the lights off, the alarm beeping, I realised my keys weren't there - I went back in, punched the numbers and called Steve, fortunately he'll never mention it again.

Four hours later, after listening to Bob Dylan thinking that maybe the cinimatic moments you can pick from songs can't be replicated......
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Letter of resignation!

(this entry has nothing to do with the song of the same name, and everything to do with the process of leaving my stupid weekend job, because, well I wanna. ... all the same, I'm gonna quote the song.)

"Takes a dried up ball-point, lemon juice and water, keeps a diary invisibly, In the kitchen corner of a basement bachelor suite there's...
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The truth is, there is no amount of justification that is without its own.

I ordered more vinyl today. Decided couples are mechanations of belief of personal progress (its not bitterness its excessive and unfair generalisation, but seriously, make the words I love you more robotic, and they'll be recorded in binary.) From a completely observed persective, romance is dead, at the hand of a...
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I've got nothing besdies alias's and these journals, and the time I steal in the nights, to leave notes at random, (declare your still alive, even if no one knows why your doing it.) talk in quotes, "the days feel shorter and the nights are getting cold, I like this place, but the awe is getting old."

I sometimes wonder if there are people who...
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I agree.

Hope things get less messy. XO
At some point I began wondering if time really exists in a linear sense. Its always assumed that theres just a progression end to end, but what iff its really, like each moment is a dream waiting for the outside stimulous to wake you from it and that dreams are the realities we're remembering, or we're living beyond our own, only in a different time,...
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Firesworks and slush machine full of margaritas. I work up this morning wondering how I wasn't dead, then I noted most like I was. Then I went to work, and proceeded to do the most nothing i have ever done there.

What an awesome...
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If you've never heard peter jones as the book in hitch hikers guide to the galaxy go here (http://www.eatsushi.org/content/index.php?path=dump%2FHitchhikers_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_-_BBC_Radio_Show/) before reading, if so, read on in that tone.

Over the course of human existance there has always been a certain desire to flee death - we've found physical death and unanimously decided its bad news, and we would really rather not bother with it, at...
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are you coming to the show on friday???