Well, I haven't updated this in a long time.

Anyhoo, its time for the halloween party again. If you are in the orlando area, then you are more than welcome to come. (Must wear costumes)

There is a flyer under my pics section that gives further details.

Plenty of beer (3+ kegs), wine, alcohol, sodas, etc.

Bleh! Thats how I feel on Mondays...bleh!
Sorry frown

Many kisses dear...

Edited to remove things that no one around here needs to read...

[Edited on Jul 02, 2004 5:02AM]
Happy Birthday stranger smile
Well, I guess I am going to have to break down and make some coffee. This tea is great, but it just doesn't to seem to have the same effect.

I feel as if there are small anvils attached to my eyelids right now. Somebody kept me awake way too late last night, not that i'm complaining (well, not complaining too much tongue )

I woke...
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You are too good to me kiss

So, I found out the name of the group that was having an, ahem, event at the hotel I stayed in and therefore found their website www.orlandobash.com. While looking for that, I also found a christian singles in search of bdsm site as well. That made me chuckle. That has to against something in their religion!

Alright, I'm going to get some housework done before I (hopefully but doubtfully) pass out from sheer exhaustion.

Sheesh..... cold hearted bastard wink
Everything will be fine, of course..... it always is. Doesn't stop me from missing my buds though. Since high school those nearest and dearest to me have always ended up far away, and while I'm used to it, I still don't like it. If it were up to me, they'd all live relatively close (not next door, but less than a day away would be nice) and I'd actually see them on a semi-regular basis. C'est las vie.
My computer at work woke up with a stupid fucking virus. Dumb ass. Hopefully, I'll get it out of here quickly!

Music: Morrissey... woo hoo
blase mood... not good not bad.... will improve post caffeination i am sure!! smile
Well, I am exhausted this morning. I stayed up way too late watching crappy t.v.

I was in a particularly "frisky" mood last night. I always sleep in the nude and I kept waking up every hour or so incredibly horny. Needless to say I masturbated 3 times last night in a 7 hour time frame. The really bad thing is that i'm sitting at...
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Green tea still has caffeine so it's good. And actually better for you because it is full of antioxidants.

I've been too busy to keep up with the NBA finals. I hate sloppy games. Make me sick. That's why I said I can watch most any good game (except the fucking Lakers).... this year, well last year actually, I started liking Houston. They're fun to watch.

You might as well call the Lightning out... I hate to say it, because I am always a fan of the underdog.

Nap nap nap away..... lucky bastard smile
Any cruise decision? We went I think last year, maybe the year before. Cruises are not for me. Too much time stuck on a boat (which I love boats) with not enough to do. But that's me. Time off the boat was awesome.... we went swimming with stingrays.... some huge fuckers. Time on the boat... drinking, bingo, casino.... that's about it oh and sunning which I am not into.... no cancer here thanks. So, if you get restless, that's something to consider. Also we were on a 5 day cruise and 2 full days were at sea so that didn't help. Shorter one might be better or if there are more ports of call. One final thing, cruise food is awesome!
Well, I am working really hard today...ok, i'm not. I was working hard this morning. So, that should make up for it.

I had a "yummilicious" salad for lunch. I went to publix and picked up a spinach salad and a 1/4 lb. of shrimp. Add in a couple of tbsps of no carb italian dressing and I had a great salad!

Sigh, I am...
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So back the the morning post.... my friends lived in Germany for 3 years from 96-99. I never didget to visit them. I fear that will happen again. So, since you lived there I'm guessing you wee military or a military brat? My friend (the wife) was going to stay in the States until her husband got back from Iraq but the Army pulled some crap with the housing to where their family basically wouldn't get housing til a year AFTER he returned from Iraq. She had considered going to Germany originally until I convinced her otherwise (much for the same reasons you stated) but then this crap happened. What the hell is she going to do for a year to 18 months there? Be miserable and miss her family and friends and quite frankly, probably won't be able to be the support her kids need. Silly military rules.

The clove addiction is still in full effect. I can't help myself because I have always loved smoking. I smoked for almost 10 years until I quit maybe 5 years ago.... until this year. Of course, i keep saying they're only cloves..... If cigs did't stink and weren't bad for you, I would so be a smoker again (of cigs, not cloves). But I have an addictive personality which is why I can never smoke a cigarette ever again. No comments from the peanut gallery please because I realize cloves do have tobacco in them, but I'm lying to myself.

Still no kitty frown He's a Siamese which makes him more interesting than the normal cat. Plus he is so friendly. The thing is, my sister had to put her other Siamese to sleep within the last year so I really hope this one reappears. Besides the fact that he's a cool cat.

My hip tat is probably the one I like most. The others have celtic in them because I'm part Irish and I love Celtic stuff. But I love winged creatures (when done properly). I used to have dreams I was flying with Peter Pan as a child. And I believe in winged creatures like angels in theory. I don't really think the look like that but I believe in spirits and that's a nice semblance of them. Did I mention I like winged things? smile One of my fave paintings is by Draper of Icarus at the Tate. It's the only poster art I have in my living room. Sad thing was I was at the Tate in December and they didn't have it on display. So sad frown Just another excuse to go to London.

My butt is, well let's say I have a baby bearing bottom half. Luckily for me, that has become a good thing while it wasn't 15 years ago smile I definitely have back... no doubt about it. Too bad they can't magically put some in my boobs smile

You're a cutie too (although I won't get into a pissing match about who is cuter) and I clean up well when I'm not wearing jeans and I decide to wear makeup which is rare. I'm normally too laid back to be too concerned with what I look like (rather be comfortable and generally speaking, my skin is good).

Pubes on the toilet.... I swear you think men's bathrooms are bad? Try they women's. Women are disgustingly dirty. It horrifies me. And hair belongs on the body... nowhere else. My ex was hairy and there was hair in the sink, the shower, etc..... I hated it!!! I don't even like hair in the hair brush. I know that's silly but that may be why I use a comb now smile

You cannot be flakier than I am. I try to curb it now, but it still shines through.... not that it is anything to brag about because it isn't.

WP Farmer's Market is so good. If ever you cook, they are better and usually cheaper. Plus, I take my dog and get coffee at a great place off of Park Ave. Speaking of WP, ever listen to PRK? I am such an addict. Keeps me up to date though.

Masturbation Guide... I need no practice that I am sure about. As for theories.... well, what the hell is that about? Is masturbation good in theory? Yes. In reality, a resounding YES!!! Do you really need the "Ultimate Guide to Cunniligus?" Sooooo sad to admit that wink

I heard Octoberfest is nothing but a big puke fest. Yuck!

Oh yeah... I know seaweed is a plant silly.I don't like the way it tastes and a lot a sushi still has stuff in it I won't eat (ie what the hell are they? Sunshine rolls or something like that?)

Not funny to mention the boss hitting on me because it has happened... in March and it freaked me out because we have worked together for 8 years and he's married. Regardless, wouldn't happen. Too weird.... ridiculously weird. Didn't happen again (thank god). Guess I made no resolute enough for him to understand last time.

The bed buddy is not coming into town this weekend frown Guess it's for the best right now. He's one of our top docs that we work with at my job and I've had a relationship with his office for 8 years. Then I met him in January. This weekend would have been work related so at least when he comes down, it'll be good because I won't have to worry about a seminar of 225 people nor will I have to worry about people watching us.

Ok..... I'm caught up..... and going to bed now! Night smile

[Edited on Jun 03, 2004 4:36AM]
Thought I'd load a different pic for you.... told you baby got back smile It's too damn late for me to be awake and I only had 3 1/2 hours of sleep but I'm not too tired... sheesh. What the hell is the matter with me? Maybe I should reas and at least fake trying to sleep smile
What a crappy day today! mad

It is only the beginning of June and its hot as balls. Yep, thats right, its balls hot!

Anyways, I woke up today with this giant zit forming on the side of my nose. It is right where those pads on your glasses rest....yep, the nose pad thingies. Anyways, I end up making it worse by fuckin with it....squeezing it,...
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Damn I get sidetracked easily smile
Ahem..... that's Miss Wench to you smile
Hey, lookie! I updated my journal...woohoo!!
Baby shower luau does not equal lame.... or so I'm hoping! That's my conundrum... making it cool. I always figure if drinks and limbo are involved, it's bound to be entertaining!

You have bridal showers nailed perfectly.... slumber parties too! It always ends up in a girl on girl photo op.

Where'd you end up last night? Have fun? Ever gone to trivia night at Copper Rocket? fun fun fun..... of course that's because I have so much useless info in my head (some correct, some not) and they have a plethora of differnt beers and ciders.

What is the former Circus World now? It isn't still Boardwalk and Baseball, is it?

Another philosophy gripe.... my teacher aske dme about my spiritual upbringing/beliefs so I told him. Some girl wrote that it was "sad" that I was "so misguided." Silly girl. Thing is, I have no problems with any religion, only those who decide I'm wrong because I don't agree with them. I told her that was her cross to bear. I kind of think that might have been a tasteless thing to write, but I was annoyed.

Should I tell you how great the SOM show was than (**even though it was sooooo long ago)?? Andrew Eldrich (sp??) is so short though.... you could tell no matter how high the stage was. And I hate to say it because I feel like I'm rubbing it in (although I am not) but you kow how most bands sound lack something live or they sound better recorded? IIt was so the opposite with Sister of Mercy. That man's voice is beyond any description my mere words come up with. A rarity indeed....

I think we may mini golf tonight... whoopee! Did I mention I left work early today? And I'm takin tomorrow off?? Mean, I know but I never take time off so I'm taking all sorts of advantage of it smile
I'm a doofus.... I took you off my friend list.... oops! I was trying to click on your name and did that instead..... so, pet peeve of the day: toothpaste in the sink.
Well, I can't wait until the December break. Two weeks off with no work will be lovely. How is it that I get placed in charge of two different projects? Any extra money for this....Hell no! mad And, I have a huge paper due next Monday that I haven't even started yet.
4. n: me

I always multi-task. I currently have 3 webpages open because I'm doing 2 things at one time (you do the math). So, I started writing and hit the back button on a page and it was this page so now I have to start over..... I'm a doofus... what can I say?

Don't you know that no ink and no holes makes you dull? Actually, lack of energy or time aside, it was probably wise not to go cause your blood was probably super thin due to your recent imbibing. Anything specific in mind? I have tats in my head that I know I'll never get around to... so sad..... especially since they're rather addictive! At what point does it become sad? I saw something within the last few weeks (SNL or MadTV maybe... can't remember) where it was talking about women who get a "cute" tat on their lower back and showed the evolution of said tat. I should just shut up now because I can't remember the funny part (did I mention I'm a horrible joke teller??). It was funny though.... trust me!! (shut up) whatever

Pointless question of the day: favorite roller coaster? (since you went to BG) I love the Aerosmith one at MGM but it's manly because it's on hydraulics and you literally go from 0-really fast in 5 seconds.

So, my girlfriend is coming into town with her 2 kids on Wednesday. I went to the store to get some kid friendly food because I have NONE! My fridge is usually so bare tha it looks weird. Plus, there's all this junk food which I rarely buy. My fridge usually has beer, beer and a few days worth of food. I have more food and more bad for you food than ever. I hope they like it.... cause I sure as hell don't know what they like. I mean I go to see them about 2 times a year and I know what they eat at home, but when you're away from home (and they're moving to Germany next week) and you're a kid, I think you should be able to eat fun stuff. That's one thing I always remember about going to my aunt's when I was a kid..... lots of junk food and sugary cereal!

Pick me up for the day: I'm in Publix parking lot getting read to push my cart to the cart place (whatever those are called) and this man was pushing his cart that direction and said "I'll get that for you. I'm headed that way." Not everyone is an ass. Little things make my day..... and you think YOU"RE lame??? smile
roguesqd said onMay 24, 2004 04:12 PMi should update this thing one day

ya think?? wink
Well, I can't wait until the December break. Twoo weeks off with no work will be lovely. How is it that I get placed in charge of two different projects? Any extra money for this....Hell no! mad
Ugh...finally made a profile, so...hello all.

I'm currently at work...working hard, as you can see, I hate my job sooooo much. But, it does pay the bills and school. Computer modeling is way too monotonous for me...at least the part i'm doing now.

Shit! the damn program crashed...i hate this thing! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! mad

Oh well, I'll have to restart it...sigh...i just want to go home...so tired...
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I'm taking regular advanced chem...not organic chemistry....I am only taking it so I can get into my radiology classes at the hospital...
You should update your profile.... smile