I broke up with my friend who I'd been friends with for 15 years. One of the reason that I called him that day was to ask for a ride to the store. I don't drive, it gives me massive anxiety and the only reason I moved into this remote ass town is because my best friend convinced me and assured me I'd have rides to the store an what not. He turned that phone call it into a fight and ended our friendship.
That didn't change the fact that I needed to get some stuff from the store. On the way home I slipped and fell. I got my leg caught on my shopping cart and it tore a six inch gash in my leg. About a half a block later I noticed that I had wet running down my leg and that I was bleeding, a lot. I got home and cleaned myself up a bit, and then I called for an ambulance to take me to the ER. I got it stitched up but didn't have a ride home.
After some calling around I was able to get the maintenance guy from my building to give me a ride home. He's a really nice guy named Dave. For the past couple of weeks he, and his girlfriend Lupe, have been my life support and saving grace. They've given me rides to the clinic for wound care and physical therapy. Lupe knew that I was having some problems with depression so she made me a cake to help cheer me up. They've just been amazing people.
After my wound was starting to heal I walked into town to get some stuff. On the way back I was tired af. A guy saw me going into Family Dollar and while I was inside offered me a ride home. I never accept rides, I love walking, but that day I was tired and accepted. I told him about how I was moving to Utah. He offered up his truck and his mom's van for to move for considerably cheaper than it would cost to move using U-haul. I'd already contacted another friend at that point and offered him $600, this guy named Aaron said he'd do it for $500. I don't know who I'll end up using, but I feel especially blessed knowing that I have that choice and it won't kill me to move.
Today I finally got my stitches out. I normally heal very quickly but apparently now that I am in my 30s that isn't the case. I had problems with infection, rashes caused by the tape, and issues with movement. The doctor did an ultra sound and said it was okay to take the stitches out to day though, but I feel like shit. I've got 2 days to pack ALL of my stuff. On top of that I suddenly decided to get a tooth ache.
For a thank you to Dave and Lupe I took them out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant. I met a Filipino lady there that was super cool. She told me about her 14 yo daughter who she hadn't been able to bring over yet, because of paperwork issues. She told me that she wanted to get a job right away so that she could work all day and not be sad at home because she's away from her daughter. She's a lovely person and the kind of person I wish we had more of in America. I also felt like I shouldn't be so bent out of shape over my shit when she's got it rough too but she's happy and that made me happy.