I live in the very small town of Arco, in the great state of Idaho. My town is so small that there is only one non wireless ISP, and it's ran by a pack of idiots. If I want to get a 10mb/s connection from them it's going to cost me $71 a month and a 15mb/s connection will cost me $102 a month. They actually have the gall to advertise a 100mb/s plan that will set ya back $232 a month.
The reason I am a bad person is that I've been using my phone as a mobile hotspot, without ever telling my phone company. I have unlimited data and because it's an unlocked phone I can tether it, or use it a hotspot, without paying for the privilege. Even if I did pay the extra for it, they want $10 a month and they limit that data to 8gbs a month. Month by month my usage varies between 350gb and 500gb per month, and I've been getting away with it for more than a year.
Cricket has just now caught on to it. I have until the 20th to make it right with them or they are going to cancel my service. So, on Monday I am going to schedule internet to be installed at my place. When I have internet installed I will call my phone company and make my mia culpas, however false they may be, and hope that I don't have to switch services because Cricket (ala AT&T) works very well in my area and Verizon does not.
All this is to say that as bad as it is for me you can only expect things to get much much worse for everyone when Ajit Pai gets his fucking way and Net Neutrality goes the way of the dinosaurs.