Prior to November I had been feeling really shitty about my writing. Writing shit for money and hating what you do is not good when it's the only thing in the world that makes you happy. I joined the site because I was hoping to meat some new people that might actually be interested in what I do. I found the writer's group and learned about NaNoWriMo and met some people that I really find to be great and interesting people. Ty to those in the writer's group for giving me the courage and inspiration to start feeling good about what I do. Special thanks to DrOcculari and Kurosune.
More Blogs
Everything is Fuicked Up, But It's Getting Better
I broke up with my friend who I'd been friends with for 15 years. … -
I Am Moving
I am going to be moving from my much loved little town in Idaho to … -
Rockstar is crazy.
I've recently been trying to get back into my Rockstar account that… -
I Am So Angry
It's late at night and I've had a few drinks, so I'll keep this sho… -
Canadians Beware, Provo, UT Sucks.
My best friends runs a free dry campground in Arco, ID, this month … -
Far Cry 5 and Anger
I finally finished Far Cry 5. I loved pretty much every minute o… -
Anger Management Update 1
I have a couple of anger management books that I've been reading. … -
I'm a bad person. (My Internet Rant)
I live in the very small town of Arco, in the great state of Idaho.… -
Anger Management
I have a serious anger management problem. I find myself frustrate…