Look at this AMAZING fan art by @bloodywing 😍😍💕 I love it thank you!! Soo talented!
Now that I’m replacing my content I HAVE to start with one of my favorite fights, of course! I LOVE THIS SHIT! Get’em Captain!! 😈
So... I found this fuckin recipe and I have everything BUT the peppers so I’m gonna go for it... right now actually! Lol I’m standing in my kitchen 😄 here I’ll take a picture...
Anyways... it doesn’t look too hard and I know some of you may like this so I figure I’d share! Here’s the recipe! Ok! Gotta go! Pan is hot! I’ll let
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Thank you everyone for being so kind to me about my set! It’s not everyday people are kind to me, that is one of my favorite things about creating a new set, your kindness. 💕