Should i trade my GF in for a more trusting less paranoid model? If i wasn't training for a grappling event i'd so be getting drunk right now. in all seriousness. how much is to much? where must the line be drawn?

I am one of those girlfriends, unfortunately. Having major issues in the past that make it almost past the point of ridiculous. Its hard to have faith and trust again, even when you love someone so fucking much. I'm doing the best I can, thinking to myself daily, "If I want this to work, I have to trust. They're not all fuck-tards like the ones before". And I'm slowly allowing myself to trust again, but GAH! Its a difficult thing to do.

I don't know the details of your situation of course, but I can maybe imagine.... constantly saying you're cheating on her, wanting to check your phone, wondering where you were and if you actually went where you said you did etc.... am I right? Been there, done that. My finance helps me out by letting me have full access to his phone/texts/calls etc.... just to ease my mind and not go crazy over the what if's.

Hope things get better for you.
This is an IPA & grand funk railroad on vinyl night. Groove on.

someone remind me to put a blog here. I got shit to do right now. see yah./
I survived the class. Everything went well although it is weird being the new guy again. The drive was not that bad and i think ill be able to keep doing it. I jumped rope for the first time in probably 10-15 years so now my legs feel like someone has kicked them several hundred times.
Oh and if any of my friends are still...
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now that i see it here the text needs work. bleh.
6:55pm This is the spot where i was going to upload some pictures i took. But SG tells me there are to big. Bleh. Gimmie a min while i go try and find the twitter post with them in it.
6:57pm Ahh there we go. Here is the link. Its pretty & old fasioned outside right about now. See yah around.

I really cannot comment on that without sounding like a complete pervert. *walks away*
The amount of talent in this world is intimidating and makes me feel very small. It really brings to light our struggle to obtain some sort of individuality and the futility of such a quest. So what exactly is the answer? If your goal is to inspire change or act as a catalyst what can your normal every day sort of guy do?
