Another week pretty much done. Yay. Got the fights to watch Saturday night a Buffalo Wild Wings. Shoud be a good time. Good beer, good food, good friends, good fights. then Sunday I get to be lazy and do nothing. I am specifically going to watch TV during the super bowl. I hope it is a really crappy show too. People have gone a bit nuts about the super bowl and i dont give a shit about it. After that another work we and then im off to Jersey to see a fight live. Gonna be fun thought im not looking forward to the drive at all. I might get a hotel room there on friday but im not sure. Fight dosent start till late on Saturday. It would be nice to sleep in thought and not have to rush to the arena. That and pulling ye ole pud seems to be more fun in a hotel room then at my apt so thats a plus. Who knows though. Ether way the fights are going to be great. Tonight though is lazy. Maybe a do some laundry that needs to get done and then its training Jujitsu tonight. Moving on.