My birthday in a nutshell:
10:19 am: I am at my desk at a moment during a lull in my job duties. I don't know if I'm allowed at all to access the Internet, so I'm writing this on Wordpad and perhaps I'll save it to disk and post it later. If you're reading this, I've probably succeeded.
I'm not nearly as upset about knowing nothing exciting will happen on this birthday as I have been on past birthdays. Okay, nothing pleasantly exciting. I've spent many a birthday depressed and/or down and out, so being at work and going to college isn't nearly as bad. Let us recap my past birthdays for some perspective:
2001: Jobless and just days from moving in with my sister. I don't own a bed.... oh wait, I had just moved in with my sister and my parents bought me a terrific birthday present... a bed. Still no job.
2000: Sitting in an apartment in San Antonio with a bottle of Rolling Rock and a carton of Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream watch, in all likelihood, The Weather Channel, religious zealots on public access, and MTV's Undressed and/or Real World.
1999: Having just finished my last stint with a temp agency that didn't seem interested in putting me back to work, I sulk even deeper into what was a ridiculous and nearly suicidal depression. My birthday probably passed without incident.
Before 1998, who can remember and who honestly cares? Okay, somebody, but who can remember?
Barring interference, this birthday should be much better.
2:26 pm: Printing out these reports is driving me INSANE with boredom. I still have 2 hours to go! How am I going to make it without going NUTS?
2:45 pm: Confucius say, He who stand on toilet, high on pot.
A former history professor of mine once said that if you work in a banal environment and stay there, eventually you yourself will begin to resemble the banality of your environment. I wonder if the reason everyone in town doesn't like me anymore is because I've gotten as lifeless and irrelevant as the places in which I work.
2:57 pm: My eyesight has deteriorated faster in the last 6-9 months than it has in a while, and I can chalk it up to staring at a computer screen all day. I don't know if long-term office work is a good idea for me, unless (gag) I'm filing all day or something not involving a computer. This is really messing up my eyesight, and I'm pretty blind already. If people don't understand why I take such frequent breaks (a minute or two every 30-60 minutes), this is why.
4:13 pm: THIS IS THE LONGEST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANKIND. Okay, not THE longest, but this shift will NOT end. My boss comes to me and looks at the stack of paperwork I produced and tells me to take a break, as something is rather wrong. Then I come back and I have to remove material numbers from all indicated records on EVERY list I have just printed out and I have to print new lists ALL OVER AGAIN afterward. That's what I've been doing for the last hour now. This is still a better birthday than the ones I've had in recent memory.
11:06 pm: Well, I guess I succeeded. After eight hours and two classes, here is what I have to show for my birthday cheer: a paper cup with "Happy Birthday Steveo!" written on the rim, two little Hershey chocloate candies, and... well... that's about it. My mother called and said I should come over Friday; she'll cook me dinner. She couldn't do anything today because, like me, she had to work. How interesting this day has been.
10:19 am: I am at my desk at a moment during a lull in my job duties. I don't know if I'm allowed at all to access the Internet, so I'm writing this on Wordpad and perhaps I'll save it to disk and post it later. If you're reading this, I've probably succeeded.
I'm not nearly as upset about knowing nothing exciting will happen on this birthday as I have been on past birthdays. Okay, nothing pleasantly exciting. I've spent many a birthday depressed and/or down and out, so being at work and going to college isn't nearly as bad. Let us recap my past birthdays for some perspective:
2001: Jobless and just days from moving in with my sister. I don't own a bed.... oh wait, I had just moved in with my sister and my parents bought me a terrific birthday present... a bed. Still no job.
2000: Sitting in an apartment in San Antonio with a bottle of Rolling Rock and a carton of Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream watch, in all likelihood, The Weather Channel, religious zealots on public access, and MTV's Undressed and/or Real World.
1999: Having just finished my last stint with a temp agency that didn't seem interested in putting me back to work, I sulk even deeper into what was a ridiculous and nearly suicidal depression. My birthday probably passed without incident.
Before 1998, who can remember and who honestly cares? Okay, somebody, but who can remember?
Barring interference, this birthday should be much better.
2:26 pm: Printing out these reports is driving me INSANE with boredom. I still have 2 hours to go! How am I going to make it without going NUTS?
2:45 pm: Confucius say, He who stand on toilet, high on pot.
A former history professor of mine once said that if you work in a banal environment and stay there, eventually you yourself will begin to resemble the banality of your environment. I wonder if the reason everyone in town doesn't like me anymore is because I've gotten as lifeless and irrelevant as the places in which I work.
2:57 pm: My eyesight has deteriorated faster in the last 6-9 months than it has in a while, and I can chalk it up to staring at a computer screen all day. I don't know if long-term office work is a good idea for me, unless (gag) I'm filing all day or something not involving a computer. This is really messing up my eyesight, and I'm pretty blind already. If people don't understand why I take such frequent breaks (a minute or two every 30-60 minutes), this is why.
4:13 pm: THIS IS THE LONGEST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANKIND. Okay, not THE longest, but this shift will NOT end. My boss comes to me and looks at the stack of paperwork I produced and tells me to take a break, as something is rather wrong. Then I come back and I have to remove material numbers from all indicated records on EVERY list I have just printed out and I have to print new lists ALL OVER AGAIN afterward. That's what I've been doing for the last hour now. This is still a better birthday than the ones I've had in recent memory.
11:06 pm: Well, I guess I succeeded. After eight hours and two classes, here is what I have to show for my birthday cheer: a paper cup with "Happy Birthday Steveo!" written on the rim, two little Hershey chocloate candies, and... well... that's about it. My mother called and said I should come over Friday; she'll cook me dinner. She couldn't do anything today because, like me, she had to work. How interesting this day has been.
And yes, we served him but no, he is not gone yet. We, however, can officially calls the cops on Monday, so he is not long for these living quarters.