It's the last Saturday before I start school. Weee... ?
I ran into my buddy TJ last night and he was pissy I didn't call him to hang out. What, I need to sign a permission slip before hanging out at Roma?
Aside: Roma may be on the road to death. A new mom-and-po-ish looking coffee place opened down the street where Alphagraphics used to be, called the Coffee Bean. With the alternative from the dead and decaying vibe that is Roma nowadays, the coffee place inside the UNLV Lied Library, and, of course, Starbucks, Roma simply just cannot compete as it is. And it doesn't look like any changes for the better are in store.
Ahem, so anyway, I have to call TJ tonight and we have to hang out. There goes Saturday night.
My financial aid check got mailed either yesterday or today, I found out at the Financial Aid offices yesterday. Apparently UNLV does not see the need for you to get your refund money until teh end of the first week. I mean, they wouldn't want you to be able to buy your expensive textbooks and, you know, actually be able to KEEP UP in class the first week now, would they? The lady at the counter said I needed to find a short-term funding source to buy my books, and I restrained myself from making the rest of her life short term. This was beyond either of our control, so throwing a fit would have done no good.
If the mail comes promptly, I may get it by Tuesday. Otherwise, if they start handing out homwork, I am F*CKED, all because of the UNLV Student Financial Services. Shit, Nazi Germany provided better services to the Jews.
Fuck UNLV, I am GONE after May of next year. I'll deal with this bullshit at an institution that MATTERS.
Ahem, other than that, I am fine and I cannot sleep lately. And they ran out of soy milk at Border's, so I had to make do with plain black coffee. And I hope Elaine didn't quit; I haven't seen her the last couple of days, and they were interviewing new people. Hmm, not encouraging. I hope it's just the hiring season and that she's just taking a night off, and that I see her tonight. She's nice; I'd miss her.
Next Up, Steve Austin and Jushin Thunder Lyger vs Masa CHONO and... oh sorry. Wrong topic.
More to come as it develops.
I ran into my buddy TJ last night and he was pissy I didn't call him to hang out. What, I need to sign a permission slip before hanging out at Roma?
Aside: Roma may be on the road to death. A new mom-and-po-ish looking coffee place opened down the street where Alphagraphics used to be, called the Coffee Bean. With the alternative from the dead and decaying vibe that is Roma nowadays, the coffee place inside the UNLV Lied Library, and, of course, Starbucks, Roma simply just cannot compete as it is. And it doesn't look like any changes for the better are in store.
Ahem, so anyway, I have to call TJ tonight and we have to hang out. There goes Saturday night.
My financial aid check got mailed either yesterday or today, I found out at the Financial Aid offices yesterday. Apparently UNLV does not see the need for you to get your refund money until teh end of the first week. I mean, they wouldn't want you to be able to buy your expensive textbooks and, you know, actually be able to KEEP UP in class the first week now, would they? The lady at the counter said I needed to find a short-term funding source to buy my books, and I restrained myself from making the rest of her life short term. This was beyond either of our control, so throwing a fit would have done no good.
If the mail comes promptly, I may get it by Tuesday. Otherwise, if they start handing out homwork, I am F*CKED, all because of the UNLV Student Financial Services. Shit, Nazi Germany provided better services to the Jews.
Fuck UNLV, I am GONE after May of next year. I'll deal with this bullshit at an institution that MATTERS.
Ahem, other than that, I am fine and I cannot sleep lately. And they ran out of soy milk at Border's, so I had to make do with plain black coffee. And I hope Elaine didn't quit; I haven't seen her the last couple of days, and they were interviewing new people. Hmm, not encouraging. I hope it's just the hiring season and that she's just taking a night off, and that I see her tonight. She's nice; I'd miss her.
Next Up, Steve Austin and Jushin Thunder Lyger vs Masa CHONO and... oh sorry. Wrong topic.
More to come as it develops.

Hiya Silent ^_^ Same 'ol same 'ol here . Just wanna give a quick HELLLOOOO.... Ciao ;-) Paulie O