I used to be a decent pool player. Not great, but decent.
Got back on a 9' table yesterday (and went back for more punishment today) for the first time in probably 6 or 7 years. (Bar tables are NOT even close... almost a new kind of game).
It hurt. Alot. Missing even the most basic of shots (and inexplicably hitting the really... Read More
i think that the closest i'll get to Chicago this year will be when i go out to Indianapolis in June for the USGP
right now i'm waiting on 3 cues:
Bert Schrager--- almost 5 years of waiting
Joel Hereck--- almost 2 years into a 5 year wait
Ernie Guiterrez (Ginacue) only a 6 to 7 month wait
once i get one of the cues, and a new pair of glasses that have bigger lenses i think i may try to start to play seriously again.
hii fellow chicago-in. that vintage luggage is pretty snazzy! how are things? and yes traveling is quite awesome, I have traveled more in the past year than I have in my whole ..short.. life.
I should update this more often. But that (at least in my own mind) would require having something to say that isn't a repeat of the same story: work blah, hours blah, rinse, repeat.
I do have some potentially interesting pieces in the works. Ideas ideas are everywhere.
Famdamily's big holliday party is this weekend. Provided that I-65 is not snowed over, I shall attend.... Read More
I am undecided on the holidays. I like them in theory. But the timing, stress and fundage required of them wears on me after a while.
I guess I'll go try and dig out a parking space in the meantime. I liked snow a lot more when I didn't have to drive. Why oh why can't there be a train out anywhere near... Read More
I am packing, only because I'm moving on the 15th from Rogers Park (bleh) to Lincoln Park.
Are you daring me to take you up on an offer to eat at restaurant I've wanted to eat at for months, on my birthday, which as it falls on a Tuesday, I have no real plans for? If you are, indeed, daring me to do so, send me an e-mail--something that assures me that 1) you aren't crazy internet man 2) I'll have a nice time and meal (even though I can't eat dairy) and I'll take you up on it.