I can't wait for it to be warm outside again. I am done with this cold weather.
Now that I got that out of the way. I hope everyone had a awesome holiday and new year!!! Anyone get anything super exciting and such? If so do tell.
I can't wait for the Perks of Being a Wallflower DVD comes out. Was such an amazing movie. Followed the book so well. If you have not seen it I HIGHLY recommend it! I have been trying to think or movies and books to watch and read. I love being able to read a book and then see the movie make it come to life! I need to see Life of Pi as well and Les Miserable. Has anyone seen those yet? My friend Usedupfool said Les made him shed a few tears so maybe I should wait for that one to watch while at home haha...
<3 xox
Now that I got that out of the way. I hope everyone had a awesome holiday and new year!!! Anyone get anything super exciting and such? If so do tell.
I can't wait for the Perks of Being a Wallflower DVD comes out. Was such an amazing movie. Followed the book so well. If you have not seen it I HIGHLY recommend it! I have been trying to think or movies and books to watch and read. I love being able to read a book and then see the movie make it come to life! I need to see Life of Pi as well and Les Miserable. Has anyone seen those yet? My friend Usedupfool said Les made him shed a few tears so maybe I should wait for that one to watch while at home haha...
<3 xox
Saw life of Pi Recently. I really really enjoyed it. I loved the look of the entire movie and it was such an amazing story. Many people have said it was boring but I find that hard to believe. I guess those are the not so creative and broad minded people in the world.
As for exciting... not much..Am going on a roadtrip to watch the Chili Peppers after being given a free concert ticket and also going to get my arm piece finished off while on the trip for free so thats a double win.
Let me know what you thought of life of Pi once youve watched it. Love the set in review by the way. You are as always breath taking in it.
Hope all is well. Keep safe and keep smiling.