How in the hell do you blow your nose with a septum piercing? I have been sniffing mucus back up into my skull for weeks now. Now I'm waking up in the middle of the night with a headache and sore throat. Somebody please tell me the art to blowing your nose with this piercing. Any advice is super appreciated. As for my day, it's rainy and dark out. I'll be working at the auto repair shop today, putting together estimates, and watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with my Lipton noodle soup.
LOL YES. There were multiple instruments that I represented in my household! Thanks for your suggestions babe. It's been difficult and often, I just don't feel like dealing with t. So I just sniff...sniff...sniff. I'm probably annoying the shit out of everyone! @amaryllis66
Haha It is definately temporary so hand in there. It suits you too much to give up now ;)