- on rogerrabbit's blog post
- on rogerrabbit's blog post
- on missy's blog post
"Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patters that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing...
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OOooooo! I am honored to be amongst such sexy company on your fav's list. Thanks for remembering me! 

i just wanted to thank you for commenting on my set, it was very sweet of you
i also would love to have a friend from Denmark
i was there last year and loved it! i might consider moving there to study
not sure, though. what a big change that would be!

What happened to Lithium Picninc? His shots where the one reason I originally joined SG. Copied everywhere but never duplicated.
He and Apnea were something else, truly committed. Never a lazy set, always something to say. Unfortunate if he is no longer shooting, sets like theirs, really, don't exist anymore. Every once in while I'll see something similar, but not to same hard degree that they would serve.
Well, looking back, I guess they basically kept upping the bar on SG, and that's what made them special. To be fair, there have been some really decent sets by others since they left, but it is subjective. Plus, that was 10 years ago.
It's art with a lot of T&A.
thanks for the comment. x
thank you roger rabbit !!
hop hop
Your comment was really thoughtful. Thank you! Much props to tmronin for his fantastic eye!
Thank you very much - it was a pleasure to shoot her and i am looking forward to more 

the mountains, streams, and lakes beckon.
thanks, I really appreciate your thorough analysis/compliment! it's nice to know that people pay attention to those extra little touches....
xx C
xx C
This is a very pink website.
I hate commercials and usually show up 15 minutes late to movie theaters to avoid them, nothing like paying 10 bucks a ticket to get brainwashed. Now I get blasted going home here in SG land.
I hate commercials and usually show up 15 minutes late to movie theaters to avoid them, nothing like paying 10 bucks a ticket to get brainwashed. Now I get blasted going home here in SG land.
I would like to post a Grechen Mol quote from the interview section when asked why she thought Bettie Page did what Bettie Page did:
She wasnt trying to do anything but her job and she had this non-judgmental spirit. People were always able to look at Bettie Page and see what they needed her to be and she gave them that permission to do...
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She wasnt trying to do anything but her job and she had this non-judgmental spirit. People were always able to look at Bettie Page and see what they needed her to be and she gave them that permission to do...
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i was rejected a lot more than one time. I'm not that fragile, sheesh!

WRT SG, I can honestly say, so many girls, so little time. but it's still worth sifting through them to pick up a few good gems.
that was shot under incredibly harsh conditions, i was hand holding a vivitar and the autofocus wouldn't work because it was too dark in there. two of my sets are self shot, in the studio,but I'm shooting for sg now, and all the new ones are a better testament to my photographic abilities...although temper is gorgeous and compensated for the freezing, dark environment
"Born Into Brothels" is realy cool.
Yay, you won!
I'll send you a note.... now.

I'll send you a note.... now.

WRT SG, I can honestly say, so many girls, so little time. but it's still worth it sifting through them to pick up a few good gems.
Phew, well that settles that:
Computer decodes Mona Lisa's smile
Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, according to the British weekly "New Scientist."
Computer decodes Mona Lisa's smile
Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, according to the British weekly "New Scientist."
actually, there are like 30 stories in the issue. what you saw was just an introduction. It's meant to be angry because it's honest. What do you mean by "proper prose" are you talking grammatically incorrect or what?