I am rocking the fucking suburbs. Just like quiet riot did!
I went to a nice club in WPB called Sunami, or however you spell that thing. I bet they change their name shortly. Nice groove.
I am waiting to get some acid from a buddy. They are supposed to be cooked into gummi bear stars. I haven't done cid in fucking years and it...
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I went to a nice club in WPB called Sunami, or however you spell that thing. I bet they change their name shortly. Nice groove.
I am waiting to get some acid from a buddy. They are supposed to be cooked into gummi bear stars. I haven't done cid in fucking years and it...
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I have been in the hospital for the last 3 weeks with some fucked up lung thing. I am a cronic smoker, but don't touch cigs. I got a viral infection in my lung and ended up with phenumonia or how ever it is spelled. After surgery I now have some body modification to talk about. I have an 18" incision from the center of...
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Yikes. That's terrible. Atleast you're doing well now. As far as the banana? No thank you. Take care of yourself.
a few days ago
Happy New Year! Fuck '04. It was all about revenge and hate. I am preaching the love. Come down Ra. Lets get that age of aquarious shit flowing. The age of reason is coming. Are you ready?

Did you get what you wanted for the holidays? If not go out and steal it.
Twas the night before Christmas, and back at my mansion;
My dog was balls deep, in young Scarlett Johansson
Three teenage runaways all chained to my bed,
Two sucked my tits, while the last gave me head;
The handcuffs were chafing, their collars on tight,
I warmed up the cattle prod for a long night.
A call from security disrupted my screwing;
An alarm had...
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My dog was balls deep, in young Scarlett Johansson
Three teenage runaways all chained to my bed,
Two sucked my tits, while the last gave me head;
The handcuffs were chafing, their collars on tight,
I warmed up the cattle prod for a long night.
A call from security disrupted my screwing;
An alarm had...
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hope you have happy holidays

Thanks, It' has been pretty good to share the joy. Fam in from Boston and NY right now. Mother having surgery. I was in the hospital a few days back with kidney stones.
Life is either a bowl of cherries or box of chocolates. Eitherway I am gonna enjoy the taste.
Life is either a bowl of cherries or box of chocolates. Eitherway I am gonna enjoy the taste.
New Willy Wonka looks kinda lame. Sorry Burton fans this one was best left alone.
Latest movies I saw stoned:
Life Aquatic kicked ass
I, Robot was pretty but very lame...bad adaptation from book
Blade trinity....ok, funny, too stoned to take plot seriously
brain cady - one of the best movies ever made
Latest movies I saw stoned:
Life Aquatic kicked ass
I, Robot was pretty but very lame...bad adaptation from book
Blade trinity....ok, funny, too stoned to take plot seriously
brain cady - one of the best movies ever made
I don't know why, but this site barfs when you use Opera or firfox. Right now I am typing over smiley faces and emphasis terms like "bold." Someone fix this!
So I guess I should fill up this space with cool stuff to make my life seem more meaningful. Let me preface this journal by saying that I have shitty spelling. It is a fact. I could spend hours checking it, but I don't have the patience. If I goof up read the context and try to figure it out.
My lifestyle may be a...
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My lifestyle may be a...
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gracias. Um, it's cuz I am a fun person! I love making people happy. Yummy gummy bears.

Really incriminating pic of me. It has been months since I've partied like that. As a results I have settled into a life of 9-5 hours, shirt & tie, cream & sugar, blah.
It hurts to think about how I have changed, but my life is better off. Soon to be family man with responsibilities. I don't hate what Iv'e become because it is still...
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It hurts to think about how I have changed, but my life is better off. Soon to be family man with responsibilities. I don't hate what Iv'e become because it is still...
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