So I risked an offer by asking for a one-week extension (I can't believe I was able to keep a level head and not accept an offer like this on the spot), and I pushed the envelope with the other potential offer, and my gamble worked. I now have two offers! I can't believe the two most powerful researchers in the Human Genetics department are really interested in me and both are aggressively pursuing me. As one of them says, it is a good situation to be in, and I should embrace it. This is all so surreal. She says I have to stop underestimating myself, and any researcher would just as aggressively pursue me. This is coming from a Goddess, and I've got two of them presenting me with firm offers. I am on cloud nine right now, I can't contain my excitement!!!
I will meet her lab this Thursday, and then meet the other lab next Monday, and make my this decision, the most important one in all my life, in just a short week. I still can't believe this!!!!!

I will meet her lab this Thursday, and then meet the other lab next Monday, and make my this decision, the most important one in all my life, in just a short week. I still can't believe this!!!!!

I need to believe it because my life is about to become larger and faster and more intense and real overwhelming real soon...I can't lose my head!