Awwww I'm soooooooo nostalgic right now...Just taught my last lab of the term as a first-year Biology Teaching Assistant...I will miss my first-year kids soooo much! Miss them already, they were such a great bunch! I love 'em, and they love me too I guess; when I told them that I was teaching the same lab section (The first-year Biology class has 1000 students, so the labs are divided into many sections!) in the Winter term, same time, same room, a good number of them told me they will be taking the same section to have me again as a TA, it felt so good...even two really cute girls in the class, muhahahaha!!!
Seriously though, I really care about them and got really involved in their learning, and it's nice to know that they appreciate me going the extra mile each time, and that I made a difference in their will be strange to not see them once a week for the next month, and some of them I may not see again...sniff sniff...
Alright, enough with the sentimental stuff already...gonna go play some Catherine while waiting for that delicious lasagna (with a mix of ricotta and goat cheese, kale, zucchinis, and tons of other veggies...I'm a genius!
) to cook in the oven, and then it's study time for a while for the boy. I won't log back in here much until next Monday, so I wish everyone the best week, and talk to you all in about a week's time...who else has end of term hell in school coming up in the next few weeks?

Seriously though, I really care about them and got really involved in their learning, and it's nice to know that they appreciate me going the extra mile each time, and that I made a difference in their will be strange to not see them once a week for the next month, and some of them I may not see again...sniff sniff...
Alright, enough with the sentimental stuff already...gonna go play some Catherine while waiting for that delicious lasagna (with a mix of ricotta and goat cheese, kale, zucchinis, and tons of other veggies...I'm a genius!
