Lady, please don't be sniffing my boxers when I leave the laundry room to go back upstairs and study. And if I catch you doing it, would you at least PRETEND to be ever-so-slightly embarrassed? Oh well, at least you're not a hypocrite, I'll give you that! 
And the roomie's trying to cook tonight, or trying to burn the house down, I cannot quite tell which it is...So it's one of THOSE nights, huh? Okay. Should I go and help? Normally would, but the medical staff at the uni is training me on the confocal microscope bright and early tomorrow, for my Honours research, so roomie's on his own for once...hopefully the house (and myself!) is not reduced to cinders by tomorrow morning...
Should I be annoyed by such epic fails, or amused? AMUSED, of course!
Yet another instance of my blood pressure being lowered thanks to comical peeps!
If you've been following my blog, you must be wondering by now, "WTF?!? What the hell is it with this guy and blood pressure?!?" Can you tell I'm reviewing antihypertensives for Pharmacology, or wut? 
Alright, that's all folks! Nite nite, and if you let something bite, let it be some hot, cheeky redhead, haha!

And the roomie's trying to cook tonight, or trying to burn the house down, I cannot quite tell which it is...So it's one of THOSE nights, huh? Okay. Should I go and help? Normally would, but the medical staff at the uni is training me on the confocal microscope bright and early tomorrow, for my Honours research, so roomie's on his own for once...hopefully the house (and myself!) is not reduced to cinders by tomorrow morning...
Should I be annoyed by such epic fails, or amused? AMUSED, of course!

Alright, that's all folks! Nite nite, and if you let something bite, let it be some hot, cheeky redhead, haha!

haha..someone's sniffing your boxers? now that's a new one.
Hahaha, yeah this lady giving me these furtive looks in the building where I live...maybe I'll take my textbooks down to the laundry room to study next time I'm doing a load of least nothing is missing from my load of clothes, as far as I can tell. Sneaky lady. Oh well, I was getting bored from grading first year biology lab reports for the lab class I teach, so it made me laugh! And guys are supposed to be creepy, right?