Well, its oficial, Im gettin a new fridge. No more making ice with a tray like a sucker, now its all automatic. So, the shoot yesterday was unreal, did some crazy shit with lighting I havent tried yet, and it worked fuckin sweet, so right on. We drank a lot though......worked our way through half a 60 of vodka, so gettin up for an 8am shoot today was rough. Such is life, at least I could nap all afternoon...now Im going to meet a Betty Page lookalike at the martini bar to talk about some ideas Ive got for her. What kind of shity world we would live in not for Pin Up Girls.....
Now, my first question....who actually reads these things
Now, my first question....who actually reads these things
I read it but I am a self proclaimed geek so I dont win you any cool kid points.
I read it...WEEE go team!!!