Watching Family guy. Dinner is cooking, aromas fillin the place. Raining outside, not snowing, so life is fuckin sweet. Feel like drinking wine.
I have erased the word TRY from my vocabulary. I suggest eveyone who reads this does the same. TRY is a weak fuckin word, that allws you to procrastinate, or fail with intent. Why try? Fuck man, even Yoda knew the deal and he was a goddamn puppet.
Heres an excercise to proove the futility of the word try. Stand stright, hold one arm straight in front of your and focus on a spot on the wall. Think with your entire being, with all your focus, "I will try to resist" and get some one to put three fingers on your wrist, and push it down. they will, I promise you. Now, clear your mind, and think, "I WILL RESIST" They will not be able to move your arm, if they do, it will be with a LOT more force than before. This is Chi, or Ki. This is the power of the mind, and how a word can defeat you. Erase try, as its a bullshit word.
EDIT: Why cant I shoot every goddamn day?
EDIT2: Why do I tell a girl I love it when they play hard to get?
the other night, HE CAME BACK. Long talks, long embraces, and now... for the long haul.
WOW that picture is amazing. It makes me regret not saying something about it in my above post.