If anyone in Winnipeg jasnt been to Masawa yet, the Ethiopian place on Osbourne, GO NOW! Im serious, its the best food around. Period. Ethiopian is my new Sushi. But it will never replace the martini bar of course. That wold be just crazy. Did a shoot, here it is. Nothing crazy, just plain old fashioned beauty.
Adder: Wait a sec..I forgot! Judas Priest was AMAZING. I went in expecting...well, not a lot, but I left satisfied. They played all the shit I had to hear, and for laughs there was a big brawl right beside me, during 'Breakin The Law'. Halford can rock still, the boys havn't changed out of their skin tight spandex and mullets, and the tunes still stand up. Rock and roll, pure sweat soaked, booze infused, bar room brawl, rock and Roll.
Adder: Wait a sec..I forgot! Judas Priest was AMAZING. I went in expecting...well, not a lot, but I left satisfied. They played all the shit I had to hear, and for laughs there was a big brawl right beside me, during 'Breakin The Law'. Halford can rock still, the boys havn't changed out of their skin tight spandex and mullets, and the tunes still stand up. Rock and roll, pure sweat soaked, booze infused, bar room brawl, rock and Roll.
heeyyy doesnt your name start with R? i'm smart, ya see?
masawa is NUMMY! I havent been there in ever.. have to do it up again soon.