Sometimes I really question the fact that I am nice to certain people. This is directed mainly towards a certain girl which shall remain nameless. During my drunk-capades I dated this girl. We broke up and didn't talk for a long time. I even dated other girls during that time and she dated other guys. Everything was fine, I didn't really care. Out of the blue before I boycotted the tyrranical corporate ringht wing monster also known as myspace I got a message from this said girl. Saying how she was wondering what I was doing. I should have been aware of the set up. But I was so taken back by surprise that I didn't. By this time I wasn't drinking anymore.
We started chatting online, and eventually on the phone. She even visted me a few times. And I went back to West Palm Beach to visit her. Now all is cool we're friends. Then she busts out in an e-mail that she still has feelings for me and all this other shit. I'm taken back by this. I thought we were just friends. We didn't do anything to insinuate that we were other than that. We finally fooled around. But before doing so I made it painfully clear that by doing that we weren't going to be a couple. She was fine by this.
As we've started talking more and more I've noticed that she is a pretty negative, stressed out, depressed person. Where as I'm serene most of the time, laid back, stress free, etc. Pretty much the opposite. I've also noticed this drags me down when she talks about this stuff. It's chaos I don't need or want.
Well today online she basically flipped out on me. Taking things I said out of context and applying them to situations I already made my stance clear on. Making me seem like the villain because her "set up" didn't work on me. I can understand someone loving me, I suppose. But if it's not mutual and I made it clear that it's not, and you can't accept that aspect then don't charade around like something will happen out of sheer hope. The world doesn't work that way. Relationships don't form out of these things.
So anyway I lost a friend today I guess. I'm so horrible with friendship. How could I possibly be in a relationship.
I'm going to listen to punk all day today, frig this. I don't need this sort of shit. Check this video out from Hellkontrol(Prepare yourself for extreme):
So amazing!
We started chatting online, and eventually on the phone. She even visted me a few times. And I went back to West Palm Beach to visit her. Now all is cool we're friends. Then she busts out in an e-mail that she still has feelings for me and all this other shit. I'm taken back by this. I thought we were just friends. We didn't do anything to insinuate that we were other than that. We finally fooled around. But before doing so I made it painfully clear that by doing that we weren't going to be a couple. She was fine by this.
As we've started talking more and more I've noticed that she is a pretty negative, stressed out, depressed person. Where as I'm serene most of the time, laid back, stress free, etc. Pretty much the opposite. I've also noticed this drags me down when she talks about this stuff. It's chaos I don't need or want.
Well today online she basically flipped out on me. Taking things I said out of context and applying them to situations I already made my stance clear on. Making me seem like the villain because her "set up" didn't work on me. I can understand someone loving me, I suppose. But if it's not mutual and I made it clear that it's not, and you can't accept that aspect then don't charade around like something will happen out of sheer hope. The world doesn't work that way. Relationships don't form out of these things.
So anyway I lost a friend today I guess. I'm so horrible with friendship. How could I possibly be in a relationship.

I'm going to listen to punk all day today, frig this. I don't need this sort of shit. Check this video out from Hellkontrol(Prepare yourself for extreme):
So amazing!